Unfortunately, due to a low seller turnout I will not be hosting the Flea Market today. I will attempt to do this again at a future time, hopefully I can get more sellers to sign up. I may make some changes to how the Flea Market works, and I will let everyone know at a future time. Thank you all for your support, and I am sorry for these change of plans. Have a great day! I am happy to announce that on Saturday, May 21st from 3pm - 6pm (EMC Time) I will be hosting the Empire Flea Market on SMP7 at /v +flea (residence 14850). (Note: This is right before, during, and after mobarena, and the day after FNM. This means that there will be a lot of people on the server during this time period and there will be some people who may sell the stuff they gathered from mining the night before.) Now, let me clarify what a flea market is and what it is not. A flea market: Is a place where people sell or barter merchandise (items) Has items that are typically used, low or high quality, or are rare items Consists of sellers that can come every time to sell items, or come only one time to sell some extra stuff Is not a place to sell items at extremely high prices (ex. an Ore Buster will probably not sell very well) Stuff will not sell if a seller is not present - I nor any other Flea Market staff will sell stuff for seller The Empire Flea Market is a great place to sell used items, or small quantities of items; or even large quantities of items. If you don't want to open a dedicated shop on your residence, or you don't want to sell to the big malls on the server, then the Empire Flea Market is a great place to do business. | If you want to go to the Flea Market and buy stuff, just show up! There will be seller booths set up for you to take a look at and buy some stuff from the booth owner. | If you want to own a booth for those 3 hours, then all you have to do is fill out this Google Form: | Empire Flea Market Seller Form| All the form asks for is your EMC username and if you have any additional requests (ex. if you need a larger booth for any reason). There is no cost associated with having a booth at this time. | I suggest taking a look at /v +flea on SMP7 before filling out the form so you know what to ask for with special requests. | (Note: The idea and this thread are still in early development. This is my first time hosting an Empire Flea Market, so please be patient and I will do my best to ensure that all issues are resolved.) Edit: Made font changes to emphasize some points for clarity.
Bump! Lets see how big this can get! Right now I have 24 booths, but lets see if you guys can force me to build more booths!
I love this idea! I was trying to do something similar for my spring wingding event that I had to postpone. lol you can still see the booths I built at 1913. But I wish I could say I'd be there, but I have a prior irl duty to attend. Take some screenshots for me?
Bumping again! Remember, if you want to be a seller you need to fill out the Google Form I have linked to in the OP!
This looks like a really cool idea, so I'll definitely be watching the thread. Haven't decided if I want to sell or not yet. Depends on how my upcoming mining trips go. ^_^
Quick afternoon bump! Lets get some more sellers for this so we can create an awesome event with tons of items to choose from to sell!
Unfortunately, due to a low seller turnout I will not be hosting the Flea Market today. I will attempt to do this again at a future time, hopefully I can get more sellers to sign up. I may make some changes to how the Flea Market works, and I will let everyone know at a future time. Thank you all for your support, and I am sorry for these change of plans. Have a great day!
Sorry Mate, I work 7-4 today, so I wouldn't have been able to make it. I will definitely try next time, that is if my schedule is allowing it. Good Luck!