[AUCTION] Mineral Mincer and Chicken Skewer!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Perez2428, Apr 9, 2016.


Have You Checked Out My New Mega Mall at /v 10935

Poll closed Apr 16, 2016.
Yes! Its Great Man 6 vote(s) 50.0%
No I Haven't Even Heard Of It 6 vote(s) 50.0%
  1. Invalid bid 63k
    Perez2428 likes this.
  2. To clarify Current Bid at 60k
  3. Minimum Bid Increase is 2k
  4. My bad 72k
    Perez2428 likes this.
  5. 74k
    Perez2428 likes this.
  6. 76k
    Perez2428 likes this.
  7. 80k
    Perez2428 likes this.
  8. I believe this auction is over...Congrats you win!