The Most Interesting Minecrafter in the Empire

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JabrZer0, May 9, 2012.

  1. ... :c
    sad day.. very sad day.
  2. Zomg I guess I'm not that liked :p

    Posts : 341
    Likes : 157
    Ratio : 0.49
    Mrsmiley99, SecretAznEks and ISMOOCH like this.
  3. I feel bad for the umpires at the baseball games you guys attend...
  4. thats not bad, that means 1 out of every two posts are liked :p
    Mrsmiley99, Curundu and Yukon1200 like this.
  5. Its my job to correct peoples' numbers all the time.. Im quick on it xD
  6. Thats cause you like 50% of my posts :p
  7. genius >.>
  8. no.... >.>

    chances are I like more.. but I like everyone's posts
    Mrsmiley99, SecretAznEks and Curundu like this.
  9. But I feel sad you didn't read my birthday post yet :(
  10. .18
    503 posts
  11. A lot of mods and admins willnhave a whole number :p
  12. did i mention i'm failing algebra 2?
  13. What do you have problems with?
  14. no.. Actually If I look back, I am pretty sure Its just JustinGuy and IcecreamCow that would have whole numbers.. dont quote me on that .. I do not stare at these numbers often.. but when I do.. oh.. nevermind xD
  15. I kniw how you feel, i almost failed math
  16. Green_Mystery has some 700/500 likes to posts. :p
  17. Permutations are the spawn of satan.
  18. -191 post
  19. I dont know i have seen one of your posts attrack 35+ likes...
  20. Posts: 212
    Likes: 209
    Ratio: .99