[PC] Newest Promo Store Prices

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by Zion_Moyer, Jan 24, 2016.

  1. So I am getting close to done with my PromoShop and I want my prices for my new PromoShop to come from the community. I will take all the prices that you give me (if they are reasonable) and do an average of them all, and that is how I will get my new PromoShop prices!

    So I have been going through all the prices for promos on threads on the forums and now I am ready to ask the community.
    So, post here if you know promo prices so I can make the best prices for all the community to enjoy!

    -2014 Birthday Cake
    -2015 Birthday Cake
    -Dragon Stone
    -Dragon Stone Fragment
    -Vault Voucher
    -Stable Voucher
    -Iron Supporter Voucher
    -Gold Supporter Voucher
    -Diamond Supporter Voucher
    -Marlix Helmet
    -Marlix Armor (Chest Plate)
    -Marlix Leggings
    -Marlix Boots
    -Marlix Bow
    -Headless Horseman Axe
    -Trick or Treat Bundle
    -Haunted Head
    -Headless Horseman Mask (2014)
    -Headless Horseman Mask (2015)
    -Labor Bench 2014
    -Labor Bench 2015
    -Cupid Arrows
    -Cupids Bow
    -Cupid Bundle
    -Emergency Snow Clearing Device
    -Spooky Egg
    -Meteor Bow
    -Shiny Flesh
    -Shiny Arrow
    -Pi Pie
    -Cooked Turkey
    -Taste The Freedom
    -Feast for a King
    -ICC Flesh
    -ICC Skin
    -Pot of Gold
    -Magical Eggcellant Wand
    -Ham Hacker
    -Maxarian Head
    -Holiday Candle
    -Blizz Nose
    -Blizz Arm
    -Blizz Eye
    -Momentus's Toothpick
    -Annual Avalauncher
    -Mineral Mincer
    -Chicken Skewer
    -Shear Madness
    -Scooooba Mask
    -Potato Plate
    -Bionic Pants
  2. Maxarian Head - 25k :D
    Pot o' Gold 25k
    Iron Supporter Voucher - 100k
    Gold Supporter Voucher - 220k
    Diamond Supporter Voucher - 320k
    Vault Voucher - 9k
    Stable Voucher - 8k
    Magical Eggcelent Wand - 11k
    Dragon Stone - 15k
    Dragon Stone Fragment - 1.7k
    Ham Hacker - 35k
    Holiday Candle - 12k
    Emergency Snow Clearing Device - 31k
    Cooked Turkey - 900r
    Zion_Moyer likes this.
  3. Drag Frag: 2k
    Drag Stone: 18k
    Vault voucher: 11k
    Pi Pie: 20k
    Cooked turkey: 750r-1k
    Shiny flesh: 30-50r
    Shiny arrows: 30-50r
    Feast for a king: 25-35k
    Dufne and Zion_Moyer like this.
  4. Bump: Thanks to everyone who has posted already! Let's get some more so I can make the best average price!
  5. What's an annual Avalauncher?
    Zion_Moyer likes this.
  6. The avalauncher that doesn't have a year (so like this years and I am guessing years to come since it doesn't have a date)

    Example: The cupids bow
  7. Maxarian head is around 40k actually... :)
    DrMadFate and Zion_Moyer like this.
  8. I sell gold vouchers at my shop between 199k an 210k an they stay in stock constantly I mean I restock regularly. So 205k is a great price for gold.
    95k is a great price for iron.
    Dragon stones 10k.
    vault voucher 9k
    cooked turkey 500r
    Feast for a king 10k-15k
    Zion_Moyer likes this.
  9. Not sure if this trend is happening on all SMP's but I've noticed 100k member items going for 40-50k and then the mineral mincers going 60k +. (That being smp8, Smp9, Smp1 at some stores) Really hard to price those since they are still balancing out.
    Zion_Moyer and APlayerNamedGus like this.
  10. It is? I bought two the other day for 25k each. I've also boughten them in the past for 20k. Not sure, just basing it off of what I have experienced. :)
    APlayerNamedGus and Zion_Moyer like this.
  11. Zion_Moyer likes this.
  12. The heads have been really weird lately. I sold them at my shop for 35k and then I saw an auction go for 100k for one of these. Prices have been everywhere with this product:p
    gladranger7 likes this.
  13. They were around 20k when they first came out :3 it's gone up in price a bit. 20k is extremely cheap if you find one for that price nowadays ;)
    Zion_Moyer likes this.
  14. when will this be done
    Zion_Moyer likes this.
  15. I am hoping to have my new promo shop/museum done by the end of February
  16. Let's get some more prices going as I am getting closer to opening the shop!
    tuqueque likes this.