Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2016 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2016.

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  1. iPhone 4s? or just 4
    Alyattayla likes this.
  2. Oooh! Tattoo :D What is it? (If you don't mind me asking)
  3. New Year's Eve party feel'in fine.
  4. I like it!
    Now you mentioned it, I see what you mean with the chin... oh well :)
    There is indeed quite a lot in that room :p
    If I may say so: you two are both looking really good too! I'm not sure how I can see that from a picture, but you both look very friendly!

    See. what I'm worried about in posts like this one is that people will be like "What? I don't even know you :confused:" as that's true; I don't really know any of those guys. But yet I like there their (phew! Almost made that mistake!) pictures, and would like to express it in another way than just pressing the easy-to-reach like button ;)
  5. And, I bring you... More of my weird faces! ( I cannot smile during a picture. I look weird whilst doing it. ;-; )

  6. My fabulous self
  7. *smashes like button* such fab!
    mercenaries2009 and ESSELEM like this.
  8. Haven't got a pic taken this year yet =P
    As for in that banner, I'm just to the right of Reavyn (black and white photo) and to the left of the statue of liberty one.
    Jadziaa and 607 like this.
  9. U look like U just robbed someone, and just look at him like 'Yea...that just happend, just deal with it!'
    Heheh, love it
    gladranger7 and ESSELEM like this.
  10. here is another one, in celebration of the Patriots making it to the playoffs, yet again :)

  11. Sorry, I don't look much like Santa Claus :eek:

  12. The life of a hitch hiker, a lot of sitting and doing nothing
  13. Looks like fun! How long did you or do you still do this?
  14. Did it for 8 months, trying to be a productive adult now.
    gladranger7 likes this.
  15. Thats pretty awesome Hurf!
  16. Got to be honest I was expecting a fat guy with white hair and a beard wearing red clothes and black boots...sorta disappointed ...I've been deceived! hehe :p
  17. I haven't posted in one of these since like, 2014. I'm wondering if I should do it again lel.

    I got my hair cut 2 weeks ago though and I have a baby's face :p
    padde73 likes this.

  18. One of the larger eyes with the symbol in the middle of it. I re-drew it and had it tattooed purple. It's from an artist named Alex Grey.
    ILTG likes this.
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