The OLD Repairer and Enchanter

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by KandK22, Jan 3, 2016.

  1. Getting Your Item Dealt With
    I have created a forum for a better system for OLDMAN repairing and enchanting. All information should be covered in the Link below.Link is

    The Place
    The res the shop is on is 4350.

    The Getting Place For Me
    The place where I come to pick it up will be where it is more convenient for you. If you are setting up an access sign just do on first line GeneralWillikers

    The pickup
    The pick up where you get your item will be on 4350 on smp2. The code to get down there is /v 4350 RepairingPickup. Just like that. Look for your chest down there.(Note payment is needed before you may get your stuff).

    Pickup Is Ready
    I will private message you on the forums or contact you in game when your order is done.

    Prices For Repairing
    Any levels in between will be discussed when I am done with your item.
    39 levels:600r
    30 levels:500r
    20 levels:400r

    Materials For Repairing
    You need to supply your own materials. If not I can supply my own for a price

    Material Price
    Diamonds 130r each
    iron 4r each
    gold 6r each

    Prices For Enchanting
    Any levels in between will be discussed when I am done with your item.
    30 levels:500r
    20 levels:400r

    Price For Books Adding
    3o Levels Plus:500r
    20 Levels:400r
    10 Levels or Lower:3oor

    Price For Books
    I will Use all prices for my books based on UltiPig's book store.

    I would like payment after I am done with your tools or Armour. Payment will be needed before you are allowed to get your stuff.

    If you have any questions please private message me on the forums and I will try my best to help you out and answer any of your questions. If you have some idea I should add to the Google forum please private message me and I will see if it is worth it.

    I would like all of your orders in the link above so this forum doesn't get to messy and so I can keep a better handle on what orders need done and what I got to do.

  2. Do you mind changing the dark blue to a different color? I cannot read a single word :confused:
    Jinkers likes this.
  3. Sure np
  4. I think I have around 4 diamond picks and 3 shovels I need repairing, I don't know what the cost is so I'll check tomorrow. I'll reply to this comment when I can :3 Thankyou for this business :)
  5. Please fill out the forum when you have your order finalized. Ty
    ShrinkingMatt likes this.
  6. this is just what i needed i was low on levels and needed enchanting
  7. yea right now i got like 103 lvls also changed my name so now need to have that new name on the access
  8. I would like access to the chest to start work or somehow I missed the chest