[AUCTION] Dc 's of Stone, Cobblestone, and Stone Brick

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Perez2428, Dec 26, 2015.


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Poll closed Dec 28, 2015.
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  1. Oh thanks mizzo12. Appreciate it.
  2. Perez, Mizzo is lettting me have the DC of cobble, stone, and stone brick
  3. So where do i need to go?
  4. Hey perez, Mizzo is letting me have the DC of cobble, stone and stone brick
  5. Auction ends 48 hours after last valid bid
  6. Y
  7. You have a new bidder against you!
  8. Mizzo im lost this is auction not a ill let you have this thing! Currently Xlegitboss1 is on the lead of the auction and if no one bids in 48 hours the auction is his!! Understand?
  9. Auction Closed WInner is xLegitboss1
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