[Auction] Bow : Infinity I Power V

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by S_R_L_B, Apr 30, 2012.


What should I enchant next?

Pickaxe 11 vote(s) 50.0%
Sword 3 vote(s) 13.6%
Bow 3 vote(s) 13.6%
Armor 5 vote(s) 22.7%
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  1. 5.2k
    Mrsmiley99 likes this.
  2. 6k.Also do you accept diamonds?Rupees + Diamonds?
  3. Nah Sorry.
  4. Did I win yet ?
  5. About 6 more hours?
  6. Yep! You have won. Once I receive a payment I will set up a chest.
  7. Im waiting for you to get online.Also im normally on Smp8.
  8. Im probably not going to be on in the timezone you are in. I Can setup a chest if you just type /pay S_R_L_B 6000
  9. hey srlb go to smp1 pool gone? ;)
  10. I know...
    Mrsmiley99 likes this.
  11. The auction has ended..
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