Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2015 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2015.

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  1. Thanks haha!!

    You would totally suit that dress though
    Bro_im_infinite, Gawadrolt and 607 like this.
  2. Why don't you people just use cm's? :p
    Luckily, I have the help of Google on my side, and I am apparently 6'3.6. I don't think I've stopped growing yet, though.
    I want to take a new picture sometime too, but I always look super tired >.<
  3. Nope, I am continually growing...well until I stop growing...I'm only young okay? ;_;
  4. Okay so it's time for me to show myself ;-;
    Recently dyed my hair brown :p
  5. Wow man...This is why I love you ;_;
  6. I was looking for something to comment on...
    I'll just say: nice picture! :)
    JadziaForever likes this.
  7. im 5'4,comin to get you waifu.
    BurgerKnight likes this.
  8. What was the original color?
  9. So it's been a very good while so I decided I'll put up two Halloween pictures and one of regular me and what I look like in fall my favorite season!!!

    So me on Halloween..

    All the candy I got so what if I'm 20 I'll get my own candy

    And lastly me in the fall time...

    Wiredly I'm in all purple in these pics and I'm suppose to be the queen of pink well that's easy to show on my res's
    Anyways here we are with the pictures, it's been a while so enjoy I guess :)
  10. WEAK! Try 11 POUNDS of candy...i did
    cj12115 likes this.
  11. Lucca Comics! (2° in the world; see here)

    With my amazing Brazilian friends:

    This one really hit home; pun intended. The other two are my Turkish friends.

    Photo of the event band, I apologize in advance.
  12. A very light brown / blonde
    Sachrock likes this.
  13. Ya but I had my little cousins with my and you can only handle so much or little kids lol and I live in a small town so not many people give out a lot of candy.. It's so sad, so I got what I did... :)
    607 likes this.
  14. Wait a second..... do I.. know U?
    OrangeDuck607 likes this.
  15. Nope, definitely not
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    Melk73 likes this.
  16. Sure, I'd know that pose anywhere.
  17. Mannn, you making me want to go back to the river valleys nearby. Where is this picture at?
  18. Rockin' the new shades :D

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