The 20th Century. (RPG)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Apr 30, 2012.

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  1. Japan proposes a Act of Civilian None Hurtingness which make an international goal to have as little civilian damage as possible
  2. Russia Accepts China's offer of ally and seconds the idea of secure trade routes between Japan Russia and America

    Also asks China if it want to make regular trades of oil for food
  3. Japan releases the first military aircraft which are single propeller planes
  4. Japan proposes an alliance with China and will protect all trade routes between these countries
  5. Japan researches a faster aircraft
  6. Russia Draws up law

    The Civilian Non-Hurtingness Act of the 1908-1910 War
    In order to minimize civillian casulties through war Japan and Russia Propose this law.

    When engaged in battle no army shall use biobombs, or other bio weapons as those pose a serious threat to civilian safety. Also no army when taking a city shall pillage and hurt civilians with no weapons. No killing of civilians that do not pose a threat to the safety of the army in question.


    Dwight5273 likes this.
  7. New York and Chicago are fully Rebuilt and America begins work on better schools.
  8. They year is 1912, if America or China wish to sign, tell Russia and it will put your county's name down
  9. Russia researches better computers
  10. America would like to join the Civialn none hurtigness act.
  11. Signed
  12. Japan Releases the Jet Airplane and asks if Russia will be our intel department
  13. America would like to ally with China.
  14. 12,000 immigrants come to America.
  15. Clarify? Who sends oil? I assume you want the rice?
    China will sign this law. Let all participants note that any country which has signed the aforementioned treaty and acts against its principles will be strictly punished by members of the international community.
    China begins researching a top secret development.
    China founds the United Countries of the World. (UCW)
  16. Russia is going offline :p Russia starts research on radar and puts all the army on ready for if there is an attack, also if the army is attacked it will retaliate in FULL force
  17. America has just finished making there school system much better.

    America now begins to work on planes.
  18. Japan Rebuilds Cities and Developed better schools and healthcare protocols
  19. I will send the oil, yes i want rice, i will sign your name, I want to join the UCW
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