The 20th Century. (RPG)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Apr 30, 2012.

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  1. Russia takes no reply to peace offer and development of explosives an aggressive act, demands answer for peace or halt of production of explosives
  2. Great Britan fears bombs. Sends the finished airplanes to Oidia to bomb the factories. Also great Britan advises the Russians about the bomb threat.
  3. America gains 5,000 immigrants.
  4. Oidia , quickly outmatched even with dynamite, sends a peace treaty to attacking forces
  5. America sends 2,000 grenades to Great Britain to aid in the attack on Oidia
  6. Great Britan does not accept peace treaty due to the bombing run sent by Oidian forces.
  7. Russia is losing people by the day -20,000 population So they withdraw from wars for time, the year is 1907
  9. Then set up a country
  10. That was a coastal bombardment for attacking allies.
  11. British doctors are sent to aid the Russians
  12. Peac
    peace immediate
  13. Russia finishes research on disease, it is stopped. Starts research on deeper mining techniques, is angered that no allies helped in in epidemic
  14. Oidians start mining for titanium+iron, capitol founded by the name of New Oidia
  15. America sends large shipment of wheat to Russia.
  16. When doctors arrive Russia is no longer angry, they were delayed
  17. Great Britan withdraws from the war but will keep an eye Oidia.
  18. Brb in 2 hours
  19. Russia is greatly please and is no longer angry about no help, sends some gold in thanks
  20. America creates the phone.

    America begins work on more power sources.
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