Hello Emc-ers from across the lands! I have come to bring you a selling service called... Pink's Bakery! Here you can order DC's of Cake, Bread, Pumpkin Pie and all your other baked goods for amazing prices! Also, if your not happy with the prices then you can pm me a deal! Here are the prices: Prices of Store Goods: DC of Cake: 5,000rDC of Bread: 3,500rDC of Pumpkin Pie: 5,500rDC of Baked Potatoes: 3,000r SC of Cake: 2,450rSC of Bread: 1,255rSC of Pumpkin Pie: 3,000rSC of Baked Potatoes: 1,500r If you would like to purchase the ingredients to make these then you can! Although they wont be in DC quantities due to the fact there is a shortage in them! Prices of Ingredients: SC of Wheat: 1,750rSC of Eggs 300rSC of Milk: 2,000r (Price of Buckets)SC of Pumpkins: 600rSC of Sugar: 400r If you would like to order then here is the ordering form! Please make sure you can pay for the items and if you would like to cancel an order then please pm me! Order Form: Item(s): __________Quantity: ___________Price(s): __________Pickup or Delivery: _________________ Delivery will charge you extra depending on the quantity. One DC is 50r delivery and one SC is 25r delivery. No Bulk orders please because it isn't too easy to get all the ingredients... And I am dearly sorry if some orders take a while to complete as I am the only person running/supplying this service.
Seems pretty silent around here Anyhow, I'd like to place an order: Item: Bread Quantity: 1 DC Price: 3,500r Pickup or delivery: pickup I will pay as soon as I get home Do you accept any suppliers/employee's? If so, I'd like to help the best I can
1. I'll make that order ASAP 2. Yes, I do accept employees/suppliers and I would be grateful for the help!
Item(s): Cake, Bread, Pumpkin PieQuantity: DC of EachPrice(s): 14,000 rupeesPickup or Delivery: Delivery to /v 5014 on utopia