Everyone wants my head!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by MrSocks75, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. Or if its not in a chest do we still take it? :D
    Rhythmicaly likes this.
  2. It's a placed head, stated in the OP
  3. New hint added. Only one more hint coming... good luck :)
    ItsMeWolffpack likes this.
  4. so did someone already find it?
  5. It has currently not been found, unless it has been found within the last three hours, which is still pretty unlikely.
  6. I was seriously just nosing around there a few days ago. I need to start looking better.
    Seanawesome14 likes this.
  7. found it on my alt account in the smp3 end

  8. nice, be prepared to be swamped with offers
  9. lol, I was trying to get to the end on smp3 a few days ago to look because I figured it was there out of logic, but then realized, I had no clue where any of the strongholds on smp3 were.. o3o ..I am now stuck wandering around the wilderness there with a dwindling supply of food.. :oops:
  10. Congrats to BrenJone on the find! :) This was quite a fun and challenging contest.
  11. Ahhhh everyone was looking on SMP5 lol
  12. I honestly had no idea where this would be :p Congrats Bren. Any reason why it was there or was it completely random *hence why it was so hard to find*?
  13. Shortly after I joined and prior to being promoted to Staff I use to always use and fix the public farms on smp3. It seemed like a fitting place to hide the head to me for that reason.
    WayneKramer likes this.
  14. Yah, the exact places I looked on for about 3 hours. I literally hated this so much.
  15. Congrats, BrenJone! I've been looking there on and off the last few days :) That was fun Socks, thanks!
  16. Not a promise but will most likely do this again for my 2 year or if any other major event in my life happens.
    luckycordel and poofasaurus like this.