[Closed]Auction - Friday Only Gold Supporter Voucher

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by xHaro_Der, Oct 9, 2015.

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  1. Item - Gold Supporter Voucher
    Starting price - 200,000 rupees
    Minimum bid increment - 1,000 rupees
    Auction ends Friday, October 9th, at 11:59 PM EMC time.

    Happy bidding!
  2. 210k
    Bayymaxx and xHaro_Der like this.
  3. Bump surely we can get more!
  4. Please pay and I'll mail :)
  5. I won this so i will pay when i wake up.
  6. Edit paid bye chaoticfate i am off to bed now
    Bayymaxx likes this.
  7. sleep tight dont let the bed bugs bight (hehe)
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