It's not like that, I still need to know what they are like. I also need to know if people are interested, so it just salves everything.
OK.....let me give you a little advice: Interact with people in the town chat/forums. Do: Talk and socialize about things in common- Music, Weather, Foods. Don't: Be a jerk and treat people like dirt and curse at them. Don't be annoying.- Spamming and begging for rupees. Don't be creepy.- Don't create a poll like this. Also Don't triple post about "not gettin any younger here" or "becummin my friend/gf pm me". Spelling, punctuation and grammar really help out. There is an EDIT option so you don't have to post 3 minutes apart. I don't know how old you are, but you will eventually find someone. Plus this really isn't a dating site. There are some couples who play but I seriously doubt they posted anything like this.