UHC [Old Thread]

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by RainbowChin, Aug 20, 2015.

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  1. So what are the rules on calling dibs? Do I still get recognition? Or do I have to like fight someone to the death for dibing rights? I'll do rock paper scissors if that works.
  2. lmao!!
    Zrugite likes this.
  3. (Insert complaint here)
    CadenMann likes this.
  4. Don't you all just love wasting you sunday afternoons waiting for a server to be fixed?
    LaadyIanite likes this.
  5. Basically.
    WitherDoggie and CadenMann like this.
  6. *Insert Sad face emoticon here*
  7. I laughed so hard at this XD Made up for not being able to play UHC right now :D
  8. 3 more hours before the retry today :)
  9. Can I host it this time?
  10. How do we get into this? Is it a first come first play game or is it we get invited?
  11. The server is listed on the original post. It's the button that says "IP". He'll open it up about 15 minutes before the game starts and you just join.
    DubChef likes this.
  12. Server is now open :)
  13. Why cant it be on Saturday?
  14. Cause like when its Sunday for you its Monday and then i have to go to school
  15. Simple answer: Other event already happen on Saturdays, so I chose Sundays.
  16. o-o
  17. Ip still doesnt work for me -.-"
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