EchoedGuru MidniteGenie SwirlingGuru DazzlingGenie ImmGenie GenieTheGreat EMCGuru SwiftyGenie MagicalGenie Mrs_Guruu These are my 10
emcguru guru_of_emc legitguru namechangeguru TheWalkingGuru GuruvianGuru NoneOtherThanGuru iamguru legendaryguru WhoElseButGuru
Welp, not to sound rude but that's why I am paying 100k to the winner, so they can think of some good ideas and either way I'd like to not profile my name on my likes bc I don't plan to quit minecraft entirley for a while and I may grow out of that liking (and yes I know it's only a 30 day cooldown if I do decide anything but eh. )