Deez Nuts for President!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ww2fan168, Aug 23, 2015.


Will you vote for him? x'D

Yes, DEEZ NUTS FOR PRESIDENT! 24 vote(s) 53.3%
No. 20 vote(s) 44.4%
Maybe.. 1 vote(s) 2.2%
  1. That video gives me flashbacks to excessive "how about no" bear memes. Couldn't you have at least put it in a spoiler with a trigger warning?:eek:
    Kephras likes this.
  2. I personally think a president should be respectable.
    Obviously, "Deez Nuts" does not fall under that category.

    For me, neither does Donald Trump, and I am a republican/conservative.

    I like Dr. Ben Carson, because he isn't a politician. And he just makes sense without all the BS getting in the way
    gunthro and boozle628 like this.
  3. I remember those...

    Haha... you clicked it...
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  4. Either way, if either Hillary or Trump wins, there will still be the always present congressional stalemate. That is what happens. Republicans propose something, denied by Democrats. Democrats propose something, declined by Republicans.
    The Founding Fathers knew that this would happen and for this reason disagreed with the idea to make political parties.
    Dektirok likes this.
  5. This is one of the reasons why I like Barack Obama so much. He knows how to make a good speech, he knows how to present himself to the public, he's a friendly person, and he knows when to voice his opinion and when to keep his mouth shut.

    Donald Trump, and Mitt Romney before him, couldn't do any of these things. I don't know if this is just a UK thing, but Romney struck us all as a lunatic.
    boozle628 likes this.
  6. Bernie's the man.
  7. I see you got yourself caught up in this cruel world, I pity you.
  8. a.k.a ( a hypocrite and liar :p)
  9. Obama is the worst thing that ever happened to the U.S. since Vietnam... basically
    Kephras likes this.
  10. Obama is the best thing to happen to America since NASA. :rolleyes:
  11. I wish.
  12. Honestly, what's so bad about him? I get that he's more left-wing and socialist than your Presidents usually are, and in the US a lot of you seem to think extended exposure to socialism leads to Communist dictatorships (which isn't usually the case), but to the rest of the world he's cool. I don't agree with everything he does, but he's a better President than George Bush, Bill Clinton, etc.

    I'd like to use Jeremy Corbyn as an example (for a reason I can't remember, but it made sense 15 minutes ago, so...): I want him to win the Labour 2015 leadership election, and the UK General Election in 2020, so he becomes the 75th Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He's opposed to the UK getting involved in the United States' petty wars in the Middle East, wants us to disarm our nuclear weapons, and he'll make Labour more left-wing than its been since 1979. I support most of that. What I don't agree with? The whole anti-nuclear thing he has going on. I'm a fan of disarming our nukes, but only as long as France, the US, Russia, and whoever else has them do it too - at the same time. And doing away with nuclear energy? Big no-no from me. Doesn't mean I can't like him for it.
  13. You invited this, Soul. I tried to ignore this thread and all the political crap in it, but you just had to ask the question.
    "To the rest of the world, he's cool."
    Exactly. He's a goddamn social media whore who's more preoccupied with mugging for the camera and taking selfies at bloody funerals than actually running the country. He's an empty, talking suit - and he talks well, don't get me wrong, but I'd rather have a president who is hated by all and gets things done than one who smiles and blows smoke while spending so much time on a golf-course it's become an internet meme. He's an embarrassment to the Oval Office, and the thing you seem to love him the most for, Obamacare, is the worst thing that's happened to our already bad healthcare system*.

    You don't live in this country. You don't have to deal with his bullshit. You get to see him at his best, painted a rosy little angel by our media here, who mostly adores him. Because he's not a President, he's a Celebrity, and reporters love to fawn over celebrities here almost as much as they love exposing a scandal about one. Love him if you want, it doesn't make any difference to me, but don't try and talk about this crap with any kind of authority when you don't have to live with it yourself.

    *Don't even try to argue this with me, I worked in the rank-and-file of the healthcare claims trenches while he rolled the damn thing out. I saw first hand what an absolute cluster it was, and I can't even begin to count how many people - most of them seniors - I had to lie to bald-faced about it because honesty was "against policy."
    DH32, gunthro, jkjkjk182 and 2 others like this.
  14. I was more or less on about a lot of his policies, but your point about the 'social media whoring' still stands :p
  15. Euh... Justin Trudeau has nice hair. Is that what we're talking about? No? Oh. Okay.

    On a more serious point, Donald Trump is a unique personality. Do note that I am using the word "unique" as a placeholder for something a bit more foul. Although I do not live in the U.S, I feel close enough to the conflict itself to be able to identify who is the correct person for the U.S right now. Can we all agree that it simply is not Trump?

    On the subject of Obama, I respect him as a person, but I don't see him to be proper fit for a president. Yes, he has made a few important changes during his two terms. And I appreciate them very much. But, to put it bluntly, Obamacare didn't make any improvements to the already mediocre healthcare system of the U.S. As Keph said in his post, he appears to be more of a celebrity than a proper president.

    That is simply my two cents. :)
    SoulPunisher and Kephras like this.
  16. His "policies" are only as good as the air he exhales to spout them. There's no spine, no backbone, no follow-up. No change, which is what he was supposedly all about.
    Just trillions in debt, the ACA which he forced down everyone's throats, and eight years of scrapbook photos for the tabloids.
    SoulPunisher and CadenMann like this.
  17. So, there's one thing our leaders have in common. No backbones (yay for austerity measures, yay for more and increased taxes, yay for welfare cuts, yay for wanting to privatise our NHS, yay for bettering London, a single city, when you're meant to be running four countries, all to get a budget surplus), and attempting (David Cameron fails in this area, unlike Obama) to look good for social media.
    Kephras likes this.
  18. I mean, he does have the best hair, but that's not hard when you're competing against Mulcair's balding head and Harper's helmet hair.

    In the Canadian side of things, I'm hoping the NDP will win. They have a good chance this year and it looks like it will be an NDP minority with a Conservative opposition. Of course anything can change between now and election day so hopefully if it does change it'll be to a Liberal win instead of a Conservative win.
    CadenMann likes this.
  19. I am conservative republican. I am against gun control. And no... Obama is, in my opinion, the worst President of the U.S. who ever existed... the end!
    Wow! Couldn't have worded it much better myself.