Wilderness spawning, does it exist?

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by kendrickdk, Apr 25, 2012.

  1. To be honest, gunpowder is so redundant a resource you're probably better off buying it very cheaply from everyone else.

    Plus, I never have a shortage of Creepers when I don't need them. :D
  2. I am interested in building another mob grinder. Mine has been compromised. If you would like to build one together P.M. me. I have some ideas that I have been wanting to try.
  3. grinders arnt in use 24/7 usually, and I found the nether is a diff cap and doesnt affect wild... so some people on the TEXP leaderboards arnt affecting the wild.

    Just try at different times, or if you notice the issue, try to find a mod who can check on people to see if they are abusing spawners in the wild.

    Ideally, it would be nice if we can artificially raise the cap by modifying the server code.

    1000 mobs does not lag the server. I've seen 1000 mobs before, server wasn't lagging.

    Town probally has like 10000+ entities in it, 1000 mobs is miniscule.

    but this would all be up to Justin....
    vividOptimism likes this.
  4. I have been toying with (very simple) dark room spawners, and I found an interesting piece of advice.

    Mine was in the air (on a local server) and no mobs were spawning in it. I read a thread that suggested I put an aerial (or tower) on top, so I put a 25 block high stack with 5 blocks out two of the sides at the very top, and suddenly the mobs started spawning. No idea why, but it worked.

    It's not clear if yours is underground or not, but if it's in the air, try an aerial in each chunk.
  5. I found this post to amuse me greatly.
  6. That's interesting... I have no idea why that'd change things but I'll give it a shot on my one too and report back.
  7. So... I've been working with d122 to come up with a solution to this.

    I've got him writing a bukkit plugin that will limit the # of mobs in a chunk and make spawners stop spawning when too many mobs.

    Then, bukkit also just added a config setting to let you control the mob cap formula, so we can also raise the min cap.

    If we combine these 2, it should be an overall performance improvement by preventing people from building up too many mobs in 1 chunk, and at the same time, prevent server from hitting mob cap easily even during low pop times, so natural spawn grinders and normal mob spawns will just work, and also not hit cap during low population times.

    Hopefully we can ge this polished up nicely and justin can just take it and use it :)
  8. You're the man! :)
  9. EYE CAR, we love you. :D
  10. That would be so awesome! Any idea of when this could be implemented?