[ AUCTION ] Voter's Boots

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by BenMA, Aug 14, 2015.

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  1. Item: shanekas's Voter's Boots
    Starting Bid: 40,000r (40k)
    Minimum Bid Increment: 1,000 (1k)
    Auction Ending Time: 48 Hours After Last Valid Bid
    Auction Pick-Up: 17598 On SMP8

  2. Bump! Bump! Bump!
  3. Morning Bump
  4. Auction Ended With No Bids
  5. The auction is still very well going and will be unless you tell staff that you want it removed. The auction is over 48 hours after 'last valid bid'.
  6. If nobody has bid he can end it any time he wants.
    PenguinDJ and jkjkjk182 like this.
  7. ...As I implied.
  8. No.. You said "The auction is still very well going" but he clearly declared it finished which he is allowed to do because there aren't any bids. You're contradicting yourself.
    PenguinDJ and jkjkjk182 like this.
  9. I know that, that is allowed. I didn't realize he was closing the auction... the way he said it, the auction was being closed without his permission needed.
  10. You don't need permission to close an auction without any bids, last time I heard..
    PenguinDJ and jkjkjk182 like this.
  11. *facepalm* Just forget it! I meant that the way he said it, the auction was being closed by default.
  12. Staff, please close this thread, as further discussion about it would be unnecessary.
  13. Only the thread "owner" is allowed to have the thread closed unless staff deem it necessary lol.
    PenguinDJ and Chocolate800 like this.
  14. According to xHaro_Der, Ben3400 already tried to have it closed... talk to Haro about that...
  15. *sorry, I said that wrong
  16. According to xHaro_Der, Ben3400 ended the auction... talk to Haro about that...
  17. Ben did try to have it closed. The proper way to have a thread closed is to report the OP with a reason for having the thread locked. It is not to post and ask for it locked. It can easily get overlooked that way. You asking for a thread closed does (sorry!) absolutely nothing as a Staff member would have to read Ben's post to get to yours - besides, your post (again, sorry!) does not have any weight in a thread locked unless you provide a valid reason.

    Ben and gunthro, if you want a thread locked, report the OP.
  18. Already reported thd thread Penguin
  19. I already did too Penguin :p
  20. Only the OP should be able to reprt the thread to be closed
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