Dragon Tomb Updates

Jul 11, 2018
Dragon Tomb Updates

  • The Dragon Tombs phenomenon is an Empire-exclusive set of features, with both released and pending aspects due to it being such a large project.

    Dragon Tomb Update Part 1(top)

    The first Dragon Tombs update was released on January 28th, 2014. It is the first in a series of four Dragon Tombs updates. The release thread is located here.

    Part 1 Release Features(top)

    This update introduced two new Custom Items in preparation for Dragon Tombs.

    Dragon Tomb Update Part 2(top)

    The second Dragon Tombs update was released on May 10th, 2014. It is the second in a series of four Dragon Tombs updates. The release thread is located here.

    Part 2 Release Features(top)

    This update introduced the Challenge Token system, including the ability to gain Tokens by fighting monsters. Small changes were made to accommodate the system, such as adding token balance to the rupee command (/r) in-game, and a Token History page on the forums.

    Further updates allowed for the expenditure of Tokens on items and mechanics such as the Avalauncher and residence biome changes (see Commands: Residences). More Token-based features are likely to be added.

    Current status(top)

    The Dragon tombs update is not being worked on right now with other projects taking priority.

    EMC has many features to take advantage of that revolve around certain aspects of multiplayer Minecraft.