WIN 10,000 Rupees By Helping Us Out!

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by bloodra1n, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. der u go, it has ben filled and I dont speek every well england
    607, L3A8 and pascal1881 like this.
  2. Thanks for everyone so far for filling in the auction, we're still looking for more replies.*
    Show this thread to friends if you haven't already!

    *Do not fill the survey twice, that will disqualify you from the drawing.
    L3A8 and pascal1881 like this.
  3. Done :)
    L3A8 and pascal1881 like this.
  4. Boom and I am finished with the survey
    L3A8 and pascal1881 like this.
  5. Finished :)
    L3A8 and pascal1881 like this.
  6. Submitted :)
    L3A8 and pascal1881 like this.
  7. Done
    L3A8 and pascal1881 like this.
  8. Done.
    L3A8 and pascal1881 like this.
  9. Bumping to show all the love - People that have filled this survey are all super awesome!

    You can be awesome too! Fill the survey if you haven't already!:D
    607, L3A8 and pascal1881 like this.
  10. Done :)
    L3A8 and pascal1881 like this.
  11. It was a little long but I must say I had trouble deciding on some of the answers. Good questions though!
    kyukyu99 and pascal1881 like this.
  12. Finished and Submitted :)
    L3A8 and pascal1881 like this.
  13. Whoo! I am glad I did not complete the survey twice!

    I completed it thrice :cool:
    607, L3A8 and pascal1881 like this.
  14. Completed and submitted.
    L3A8 and pascal1881 like this.
  15. Filled it in Son!
    L3A8 and pascal1881 like this.
  16. Less than 24 hours remaining! Sooooon... we'll be drawing the winners :)
    pascal1881 likes this.
  17. And the winners are.... *drumroll*

    Skydragonv8 - 10,000 rupees
    DJ__Krazy - 7,500 rupees
    Olaf_C - 5,000 rupees

    Prizes have been send, congratulations! Big thanks to everyone who participated, you've been a huge help!
    SkyDragonv8, 607, marijn2552 and 2 others like this.