What are you Thankful for?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Sealeon, Nov 22, 2016.


Which is better?

Turkey 5 vote(s) 35.7%
Pie 9 vote(s) 64.3%
  1. First..
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    In this forum you can share what your thankful for
    Or share what you'll do for Thanksgiving
    (Past of Thanksgiving)
    A brief summary of Thanksgiving
    Christopher Columbus was sailing but sailed to america
    And founded it Yay! (In reality the Native Americans founded america)
    I'll Start I'm thankful for Family,friends and Food
  2. I am mostly thankful for friends and family who will always be there for me and have taken care of me throughout my life ;)
    607 and Nickblockmaster like this.
  3. Actually I am thankful to be alive and with my kids. Had a close call last year (cant give details)

    Always remember... every minute counts so dont worry and be happy.

    Oh.. and thankful for this very thread.
    607, Sealeon, khixan and 2 others like this.
  4. Thankful for those who supported me throughout this year~
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  5. Thankful people who are awesome
    Nickblockmaster and iamcavie like this.
  6. Thankfull for my family, for the good times ive had in my life and the bad ones that have made me stronger. Thankfull that I was born in Australia and for my mates, the ones ive had, the ones I have, and for the mates Im yet to meet.
    For computers, for games, for minecraft, for EMC and everyone in it.

    Being an Aussie, we dont celibrate thankgiving, but ill enjoy the pie :)

    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  7. I'm thankful for every aspects of life that have made each and every one of ours unique. The ups and downs, the happiness and sorrow, the sunshine and the rain, the light and the dark.

    And no, we don't celebrate Thanksgiving here in Cambodia. But hey, do we need a reason to be thankful? I learned from Jigsaw that one must appreciate everything in life. :p
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  8. Thankful forever and always for my friends, my husband, and my son <3
    iamcavie and Nickblockmaster like this.
  9. I thankful My Mom; with out her I probably be the worst kid or probably won't be alive(Of course it will be impossible to be alive without my mother) or someone I get to cry on(I'm very emotional), my Dad; without him I probably won't be as spoiled enough as to getting things I want, my twin Sister (Kyra); without her I wouldn't have someone to control my emotion with or someone to yell at or someone that gets you and always knows know what your thinking, EMC;alright you caught me I only been for 3 days but these pass 3 days I've been sick so EMC took away some of the pain, you know hopefully I'm healthy enough to go with my Dad today, or tomorrow, EMC has been a adventure from Mumble to Fish Hooking to Tree Chopping to A Death Defying Mob Showdown to losing everything you have in a cave which you found 5 minutes later LOL So thank you, Technology; with out technology will I really can't say who I will be without out technology because you it's not logical since there is no technology, but without technology I wouldn't be able to meet you guys and have fun with you guys, or talk and play because you know...

    So I'm sorry for the long Thankful Post I really love typing so yeah Happy Thanksgiving Eve
    iamcavie, Nickblockmaster and Sealeon like this.
  10. I'm thankful for every mistake I've ever made, and that I've been able to learn from them-even if at the time they might have really put me down, in hindsight I'm glad they happened because your mistakes carry lessons.
    Nickblockmaster and 607 like this.
  11. I'm thankful for family and friends.
    Nickblockmaster and 607 like this.
  12. I'm thankful for Jesus, Lanata, and all my other friends. I'm also thankful for my family. Oh, and of course EMC.
    I'm thankful for life in its entirety. There have been quite some times where I thought I would rather be dead, but it never lasted long. It's sometimes very hard, but I'm enjoying it here.
    I'm thankful for music. It's wonderful.
    And of course much, much more.
    God has created a wonderful world. :)
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  13. Howdy all! Can I pitch in ?
    I am very thankful for everything I have. Knowing that in any second it all could go away, it just makes me want to respect and appreciate it more and more with each passing day. I give thanks for the roof over my head, the clothes on my back, my family, friends, pets, good food and clean water, music of all sorts, and people who constantly arise to inspire me to carry out the good things from within. But despite a great many of these things that which are good to notice and appreciate, I think the highest of them all, is being thankful for all God has given, not just unto me, but to all!!

    For those who are celebrating the big feast with loved ones today, Happy Thanksgiving! Stay safe out there and be happy!

    607 likes this.
  14. Im thankful for my pets, especially my cats and Technology ( mostly video games ).

    Thats All Really..
  15. I try not to linger on the past, so I can optimistically respond to change. I've seen many people with similar interests as me react Black and White, Reshiram and Zekrom.

    "Life is never consistent, but change." - docm77

    Some things I'm thankful for:


    In General:
    * For living and the mind and characteristics I have.
    * Notch for creating Minecraft and Jeb and his teams continuing to update it.
    * Nintendo for video game consoles and iconic franchises including Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, and Metroid.
    * Various teachers from grade school and counselors.
    * A house to live in.
    * For finding Empire Minecraft and Aikar and staff maintaining the server network.

    Specific to 2015 and 2016
    * Jeb for creating the End City for Minecraft 1.9 and Shulker Box for 1.11.
    * Searge for creating the Structure Block.
    * Dinnerbone for reworking boats for Minecraft 1.9.
    * Gamefreak and Nintendo for Pokemon Sun and Moon (I'm currently playing Moon).