Tutorial Skipping

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Nov 11, 2013.

  1. I'm still not into the idea of being forced back in that way, we should either
    • Require completion of the tutorial on first join (how it was)
    • Leave it as it is now.
    Not some weird combination of the two.
    jkjkjk182 and 607 like this.
  2. I am starting to see more of your side, aikar. last night on SMP7 i saw a new member join. at first he skipped tutorial and came out rude and swearing but then he redid the tutorial about a minute after. I still see a lot of people not skipping which makes me happy. I guess i was kind of a pessimist about this. I was going to think more people would not do it at all but it seem that people enjoy the server without a preface of what to expect. looks like i was wrong about this.
    Aikar 1 - Olaf 0
  3. Could just let people in tutorial see town chat, just not participate in it. Skipping tut makes it really easy for the spam to get in, and if someone is truly interested in a server, they'll take the 5 minutes to do the tut.

    And if it's someone making an alt, they definitely don't want to be skipping it - they're getting those extra diamonds. Maybe I just don't see all the positives in it....
  4. Would a type of "Buddy" system for the new members be of any value? - say a group of volunteers who could be called upon to give up maybe 15 minutes of their time to give a quick rundown of the most commonly used commands, or useful tips?......... just a suggestion from one "newish" member :)
    AlexChance likes this.
  5. or an Empire Guide I hope JackBiggin is almost done writing the Empire Guide
    607 likes this.
  6. :confused: do i detect a touch of sarcasm there??? :p lol
    607 likes this.
  7. That's a nice idea, which is why in fact, it's already being done, just not as directly. If a new player comes on the servers, and there's at least a few people in town, they'll almost always be given some sort of helping hand if they ask :)
  8. Yeah, I'm....usually one of the helping people...if I can and I'm on and not busy....but sometimes those questions are just flat-out annoying, and once in a while, sounds kinda like they just want someone to baby them, explaining everything, and maybe just do it for them.

    The really odd thing is someone, like, last week...asking how plots worked. (What's so odd about this? Oh, I don't know, the part where it said "First Empire Sign-in....over 700 days ago"?)