The Return

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Kippy159, Jul 12, 2018.

  1. I took a break from EMC without letting anyone know, but I am making a return. Some stuff happened irl that caused me to lack any desire to play minecraft in general. I still remember when two of my friends introduced me to EMC over 5 years ago. This is a community that I will never permanently leave because of all the memories from over the years.

    I would also like to apologize to the handful of individuals that I have let down. I made some promises that I didn't keep, but it's 100% my fault. I have a bad habit of making too many promises at one given time.

    I plan on playing on this account (my main) here and there, but I am going to focus on starting fresh on an alternate account. I have some projects and goals in mind that I am very eager to start working towards accomplishing. I look forward to seeing familiar faces as well as new ones!

    FadedMartian and AncientTower like this.
  2. Welcome back, I truly hope things are going well for you now :) If you need anything, lemme know
    Kippy159 likes this.
  3. Welcome back! Stability in life is a precious thing. So many factors and so few choices. I would be one of those new faces you’ll see in game. Looking forward to hearing more about these projects of yours.
    Kippy159 likes this.