The Inkstain: An Ingame Newspaper

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Hashhog, May 25, 2014.

  1. :eek: I remember this, but I never came across this thread in months and I watched it...
    607 likes this.
  2. Hoshhog and I have made a deal on the selling of his books in my store. You can now pick up issue 6 on smp1 at /v jkrmnj
    Kephras likes this.
  3. Nice. :) Still trying to work out details for sale at Tiger's Text, but someone hasn't been answering their PM's lately... *taps paw*
  4. :oops: Sorry, I keep losing track of all my private messages.
    607 likes this.
  5. 607 likes this.
  6. Preparing to send them out within a few minutes, don't you worry. :p
  7. 607 likes this.
  8. I purchased a Eternal Sub., also made a donation, make sure you check your rupees for the Subscription and donation.
  9. Oops. :p
  10. Bump. I know I said that I'll be publishing the seventh issue today, but I will be meeting with some people to discuss community input, so I'm going to put it on hold for a couple days. :)
    607 and Kephras like this.