The Exit

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Faithcaster, Sep 20, 2013.

  1. Well I think you should be happy at what you and your friend accomplished before it was reset. It's now time to move on, so do what you want to freely :) I'm sure you could start another project like the four corners pyramids or anything for that matter!
  2. Thank you guys, really I appreciate it :)
    Yes, it's a shame..
    And yes.. Eclipsys was/is the great worksman of this.
    My new greatest enemy is now SYSTEM..
    Aikar... You should remake them, because system was mean..
  3. Does not matter if he lost reses treat him like a normal person, let him get the reses for him self..
  4. just for clarity, it does sort by oldest.

            $residences = Database::getRows('
                    GREATEST(u.lastvote, u.last_activity) as last_activity,
                    residence as r
                LEFT JOIN
                    user as u on r.owner_user_id = u.user_id
                    r.owner_user_id is not null
                    server_id = '.$serverId.'
               ORDER BY u.last_activity ASC');
    This sorts it by oldest first, checks if last_activity is >= 15 days, and resets until it claims 60 iirc the current amount.
    Faithcaster, jkjkjk182 and Parkerjv9 like this.
  5. note smp1 is a very active servers, so 30 days was roughly what the Faithcaster2 account was at, sounds about logical to be "one of the oldest".
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  6. I am so sorry that such a awesome structure is gone. It's too bad after so much time and hard work that Eclipsys put into it. I can't wait to see what you will come up with next.
    Faithcaster likes this.