The EMC Survival Update!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by IcecreamCow, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. Enraged Creepers also drop TNT and Golden Apples!
    samsimx likes this.
  2. You have no armor on how did you live that xD
  3. i do not always kill enraged creepers; but when i do, i prefer doing it nekkid
  4. Ummm, what is this?
    Also, Since when do pigmen spawn with enchanted diamond swords?
  5. The zombie pigman killed a player and took his sword and apparently the player dropped a head so he put on the head too.
    talukegord, wisepsn, smile3 and 2 others like this.
  6. Well, if this is the direction it is going, I am not going to continue playing. I feel like the overall difficulty was permanently switched to "Hard". It's not much fun for me anymore.
    Kephras likes this.
  7. Keep up the great work! This is the whole reason I started playing Minecraft again at all.
  8. Why cant you stay in town? Or just get used to how the game is changing? Most people like these changes and they aren't gonna change for the minority
  9. Why not? you can earn 1200 rupeee's from voting alone as a free player... which is conveniently the price it costs to make a full set of diamond armor on average.

    So within 2 days, you can have a full diamond set and diamond sword, bow, and food. This will give you a good set of protection in the wild and can take down enraged mobs just fine.

    Collect loot, get enchanted items and then you can take down momentus and marlix too.
  10. I was on vacation, came back, read this thread, and took 2 things away from it.
    1. This is the biggest EMC update I've ever seen... and a good reason to leave my res for once!
    2. I knew buying a Flaming Mob Launcher during the 60K event was a good idea. ;)
  11. it is incredibly easy to take down enraged mobs if you are smart and use your environment, as you saw in my picture WITHOUT ANY ARMOR i got a enraged creeper to chase me into water, they are really dumb when they hit water and tend to flail around then i took my time killing it with my looting sword.

    you clearly havent played on hard mode if you think this is it, a regular spider will kill you easy on hard without armor.

    yes the difficulty increased, and as such your playing style should change too. its not like they didnt warn us incessantly about:

    talukegord likes this.
  12. My .02 ...
    + The wilderness was far too easy, and it is still long way from too hard now. Improve your game-play. In one hour you can earn between 4k and 6k, so you can easily get high-protection armor etc. Visit 12162. :)

    + Difficult game makes it more interesting, more worthy of playing time.

    + Featuritis (overloading game with features) is dangerous, it can kill the game.

    + I think limiting the fun with enraged / powerful creatures / bosses to wastelands is a trade-of that might be acceptable.

    + Providing for fun play is the way to go, provided it is aimed at long term fun, otherwise it spoils the game and is counter-productive.

    + @Aikar: don't make anything that Mojang wants you to. EMC is your customer, not Mojang.

    + Minecraft is a sandbox game, I think it is a very good idea to stick to that and not impose artificial limits. Let people find their fun and way of playing.

    + Economy is not a goal, but a tool and it accompanies any development, and changes with it. It is needed so people can exchange goods and services easily, so they can develop faster - no matter how they play, no matter what style.

    + Economy is not about outsmarting others, cheating and stealing, it's not about making money, it is about exchange and development.

    + There ... OT ... about the economy again:
    + Extensive amounts of free rupees (hyperinflation) is a major destabilizing factor, it endangers the economy.
    + Selling rupees for real money weakens the economy and spoils the game. This includes giving (high amounts of) "free" rupees to supporters.
    Kephras and Jimbonothing64 like this.
  13. ok after having 3 enraged mobs spawn almost right on top of me in the waste, 2 enraged zombies and 1 enraged skeleton, i have basically come to the conclusion that i for 1 do not like the new version of mobs. i'm not a fighter and have always preferred building and creating. i lost my entired set of empire 60k members armor set, for which i paid alot of rupees for, including my 60k members diamond enchanted sword.

    running away was impossible as they moved a hell of alot faster then i could. so here is how i see it. yay you added adventure for those who love adventure. but for those of us that don't do well fighting the regular mobs in the 1st place, this has made it near impossible for just regular mining to gather materials to build and create with. some of us prefer not having to be stuck in town relying on others fighting skills and spending all our hard earned rupees buying our materials just to be able to build nice buildings.

    being as the wastelands was created solely for the purpose of gathering resources, then please i beg of you EMC, please lighten up on the special mobs there so that players/miners/builders like me can still play the way we love to play too.

    i've been a member of EMC for 1 year and 4 months now, and would hope that i have become friends with many that i have met here on EMC. i even intend to renew my supportership within a few days. but i must say that for me, this update altho a few things i like, some of these new updates have made my playing experience quite abit more difficult.

    i glad that some like the new updates, but please dont misunderstand me, if your goal is to have something for everyone, please also consider that not everyone enjoys going out and fighting mobs on a regular basis.
    Kephras, mba2012, PenguinDJ and 2 others like this.
  14. I'm starting to like this update, now I can keep the skulls of my victims friends.
  15. Remind me never to go to this wild with you...
  16. 2013-06-22_07.25.42.png Also it is enraged
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  17. yep these new mobs are still very glitchy, i had 3 of them, 2 enraged zombies and 1 enraged skeleton, spawn basicly right next to me. when while reading basically every post in this thread see it stated that they were not supposed to spawn closer then 36 blocks away from a player.

    needless to say, i've had a rather bad day today, luckily for me a friend was able to sell me another 60k member event armor set and the sword. but now thanks to that i'm too rupees poor to do much else, let alone buy materials to build with. so i have no choice but to go mining out in the waste/wild. which in turn means i have no choice(that is if i want to continue playing on the only server i've been playing on for almost a year and a half which i have no plans on leaving) but to accept the fact that i'm gonna die alot more often now just to do what i love doing and that's mining, not fighting :/
    mba2012 and DemonThunder345 like this.
  18. Taking pics of an enraged creeper is a slightly hard thing to do when you have been trapped in a giant desert at nighttime during a huge lightning storm before.. You learn to run from that aura.. >,< ..And my enraged creeper only gave me 2 blocks of TNT.. :oops: ..After being attack by an enraged zombie at the same time.. He was nice enough to at least give me some shiney skin he stole from his friend Momentus..
  19. Death.
    Kidding, here's. list.
    Marlix. Flying skeleton with an invincible bat, can drop marlixs arrows and marlixs bow.
    Momentus. Giant. Can drop momentus's toothpick or zombie virus.
    Mob heads and player heads. Players and mobs have a 2.5% chance to drop a head.
    Enraged mobs. Creepers, zombies, an skeletons can be enraged. Their attacks are enhanced and they are on fire.
    Enraged creepers are also supercharged and shoot fire when exploding. They don't die up in explosion.
    collect12 likes this.