[SUGGESTION] Creative "space"

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by ItsMeMatheus, Apr 5, 2020.


How often do you build in creative single-player?

Yes 4 vote(s) 100.0%
No 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. Something similar was suggested in 2015, marked as future discussion.

    My suggestion is a flat world on the /games server where any player may build in creative mode.

    As someone who likes to build, and to plan my builds before creating them in my residences, I've noticed I spend a lot of time in creative single-player testing out a concept or an addition to a project. It would be nice to have this "freedom" inside EMC, particularly considering it would be creative mode + EMC mechanics.

    Note this is not a suggestion for a permanent creative builds world, but for a (limited) space inside /games that resets periodically, for the purpose of testing out ideas in creative mode. The way I see it, it could be a daily timed reset (on server reset, perhaps?) on a shared residence for all players.

    Naturally, it would have /vault and /mail restrictions, a separate inventory, no mobs and no complex redstone (I understand this is difficult to define and therefore limit, which can be a potential problem for staff).

    All blocks would be /buildmode protected by default. The only issue I see with this model is griefers interfering with other players as they are building, which would require staff involvement.
  2. +100000
    ItsMeMatheus likes this.
  3. Maybe a completely different server to think about in the future, but games has limited ability for vault transferred items to sometimes get over, etc. It would need to be somewhere locked down 100% in order to allow creative.

    Going to again state future discussion. There's a lot on the plates of the devs right now and many other promised features to focus on.