SMP8 The_Fairyman 16239 first steps 2/2

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by The_Fairyman, Jun 4, 2018.

  1. Here is one of my digging stations.. There was quite some material needed to build the road...

    This is what the valley between Junktion Castle and the main Citadel looked like before I started landscaping..

    Bridges :-D needed to be build..

    And for this I needed..

    Stooooneee.. lots and lots of stones..

    Junktion Castle may have used some of it :-P

    or a lot.. a lot of ore too..

    finally filled some holes after Junktion Castle was on the way and the East Dorite Road to Sandy Shades was completed.

    This is the view from Junktion Castle is like now.

    Junktion Castle it self

    Road to the Citadel

    View from the tree on top of the Mountain

    The Sandy Shades, Junktion Castle and Citadel connection. East Dorite Road.

    The holes here and there get deeper..

    Sandy Shades is an ongoing project.. like basically everything in the Fairyman's Dreamscape.

    Under the Village..

    just some happy digging :-D

    So now you know where I come from..

    And here is where I am

    collecting and digging my way into EMC.

    And the Frontier.

    Keep up your great work! I feel inspired!

    Cheers, your The_Fairyman
  2. Here the Next steps. First I run around stacking Stones like an absolute Madman.. and then it begins to take shape :)
  3. I don't understand
    The_Fairyman likes this.
  4. sorry, pictures don't load.. i'll fix it today
    Raaynn likes this.