smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Tell mba that…not my problem.
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  2. Lol sorry I didn't mean to sound like I was ranting at you. I'm just confused and just finished playing my Sith character on SWTOR so was still kinda in the RAWR tone.
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  3. AGGGH. You have SWTOR?!! :( I have a Mac so I can't play it… :( so jealous
    It's ok.
    How's SWTOR? (bit off topic but hey)
    Jakres likes this.
  4. Pure-awesomeness.jpg
    You Get a Kitten at lvl 80 to ride around in. lol :p
    Jakres, penfoldex and PandasEatRamen like this.
  5. Killer, I have a couple Sith toons as well as Jedi's I end up mostly on Sith due to hubby always going for the dang RP servers and them always being full of Siths. I have a Cyborg Sith maruader (dual weilder) and working on a Cyborg Sith Juggernaut, Human Sith Bounty Hunter but she's upgraded to use missiles and pyro stuff, I forget what she's called. I've a Jedi Consular and Warrior, both that race that looks like humans but don't have eyes. I enjoy that they made it like Mass Effect and you get to choose your replies and all that. I usually hate mmo's that deal with crafting. This one it's easy as pie, I just send my assistant to do it. xD

    The only thing that makes me rage is every time I talk to someone I get negative points with my Twilek assistants, We bought the $20 edition and got a mount/speeder but I can't use it yet but will eventually. As far as people, there are some pretty big jerks. One took our guild and lied to us and then there are the Elitist RP'ers. So far there are limited races but I think they're adding more, I've only liked Twileks, The blind people, Cyborgs.
    Jakres likes this.
  6. Celebration: Replies:5,525 Views:50,260
    We broke 50k views lol don't know how but who cares lol here's a song to cheer, most of his know this song :p

  7. Im jealous. Have fun I guess
    Jakres likes this.
  8. I like Project Zomboid's crafting system. I accidently left the cooker on, unattended, and left Kate in there by accident while I went to scavenge for food. I came back, the whole house was burnt down and Kate's body was burnt in there. Because you have to cook most of the food.

    Aside from that aspect, you can make a golf club with nails, and bandages. Not as in-depth as Minecraft though.

    Which gets me started on SWTOR.

    I like the crafting in that :p
    Jakres likes this.
  9. I get dropped out from this way too often :D:D
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  10. Have there been discussions about what to do with the burned out areas of the downtown? Seems like a good opportunity to clean things up a bit and make it "downtownier"...
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  11. where exactly is downtown? And also were you the person who made the new rail stations?
    Jakres likes this.
  12. I always thought the area around the Guest House was downtown.
    Jakres likes this.
  13. Oh. I thought that was like the city centre. :confused:
    Jakres likes this.
  14. Dunno. But now this is stuck in my dang head :/

    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  15. Man I sure do miss LLO! Im sorta at the LLO. helping *blank* with a secret wild project close to the LLO.
    Jakres likes this.
  16. Is this why kman is looking for a new outpost??
    Jakres likes this.
  17. So this *blank* was the other person in supporter chat earlier.
    Jakres likes this.
  18. Meh, sure.
    > : D
    Jakres likes this.
  19. I dunno, I didn't know he was looking for a new one. If that's the case then aww :( We seem to lose people that way. Legit, Rob and I guess now Kman. We had others who just left and didn't say anything.
    Jakres likes this.
  20. I also left, but I had words.
    Jakres likes this.