Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by copherfield, Apr 17, 2012.

  1. After taking in consideration more than 166 applications from all the servers, we made up a 21 player list. PLEASE let us know if you want to provide your own screenshots/video or you want us to use the default.
    Vote here:
    Hello guys, this is going to be the voting thread for the shop contest, the votation will be released tomorrow (night) and we will make it a bit different from other contests.
    We will make 2 rounds, where we will count votes only on the seccond round.
    After taking in consideration more than 166 applications from all the servers, we made up a close 22 player list. PLEASE let us know if you want to provide your own screenshots/video or you want us to use the default.

    • BobTheTomato9798---8017---smp4
    • ivonator123---7072---smp3
    • BloodDisciple---3883---SMP2
    • Leowaste---3456---Smp2
    • SecretAznEks---3043---SMP2
    • x1x_x1x---12115---smp6
    • AlexChance---4005---SMP2
    • pietdagamer---9299---Smp4
    • 32japan1---3391---smp2
    • Hodgedude---12208---Smp6
    • Call_Me_DeJaja--12039--smp6
    • 546007 --3493--smp2
    • Nole972-- 5015--Utopia
    • Gamerzilla2012--7174--SMP3
    • Dreamytje and BeLugh--14141--SMP7
    • TheLoneXFactor--6048--SMP3
    • Rkramer7792--3177--smp2
    • krysyyjane9191--3553--SMP 2
    • erosego-- 10670 --SMP5
    • Oleyy ---10739---SMP5
    • alta0506 ---11116---SMP5
    • Lukas3226 ---432---SMP1

    Thanks for the people that applied, this contest it's not over, you still have to vote for your favourites! also, there will be a little surprize released with the votation :)
  2. If the second round doesn't count, will the first voting eliminate some shops from the final vote?
  3. dang it i didnt make it
    platypus364 likes this.
  4. Hooray the TARDIS is in =D

    I will provide screenshots asap...going to work on it now....
  5. Ooooh, there's some awesome shops in here! All my favourites :D
  6. I am happy. I did not expect to get this far...
  7. Nice, might have to throw a quick vid together.
  8. Lol of course Leo, Alex, and Blood+Nurgles get it...

    EDIT: Practically everyone on that list is a supporter anyways :p
  9. Ok, here is my video entry. Sorry for the 2am 20min worth of editing. but it will have to do.

  10. Is everyone getting their own screenshots?

    *Edit* Might do my own video, can anyone recommend a decent Minecraft capture and/or editor? Mac..
  11. I Think the supporter thing is just coincidence. Or maybe most supporters take their shop building a little more serious. Who knows.
    Squizzel_Boy likes this.
  12. I use fraps on windows. Have no clue on macs :(
    Squizzel_Boy likes this.
  13. My decision is yet to be final on what I'm doing :/

    EDIT: I will be providing my own media.

    EDITEDIT: Here are my screenshots :)
  14. Ill provide the images by tonight. And alex you got a cool shop there :)
  15. What's up with the two rounds? Don't really get how it works now p:

    First round = 1st, 2nd, 3rd place overall?
    second round = design?
  16. Thanks :) Looking forward to seeing everyone else's :)
    I sort of gathered that the first round is what people think of it? and then the second is the serious stuff?
  17. I hope to finish my video soon. Ill send it to you asap :) Or is there a form to send vids/pics ?
  18. Im going to make a video for my shop too, when is the deadline?
  19. Lol im no supporter. And i made 100.000r with that shop, without being a supporter ever!