Server Problems? Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by JackBiggin, Feb 1, 2014.

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  1. the issue they are having is not lag, but a spigot feature.

    I have turned off said feature for our next update.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  2. none of the servers are working on my server list
  3. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    mba2012 likes this.
  4. On smp1, at my res at least, the game completely freezes every time I open it. There may be fireworks going off at a nearby res. It's been most of a day.
  5. Its not the server for sure. It is fireworks. If anyone can remove my neighbors automatic firework lag machine that'd be swell thanks!
  6. What server? Could be that someone turned on my super fast firework launcher on my res and I cannot access my res ATM. There is very high lag and MC stops responding when I shot off one firework.
  7. Thanks but they stopped the fireworks by me on smp1. hopefully they can stop yours, too.
  8. Capture.PNG
    im having issues connecting to any of the emc servers (i tested it with all of them) could this be a isp problem or have i been under a rock? i was just on a few days ago
  9. Just try refreshing it
  10. Not sure someone turning on my firework machine.
  11. i cant get on smp4 it says: can't connect: "default server is not available"
  12. Wut
  13. i have...

    i want to play so can someone tell me what im doing wrong
    607 likes this.
  14. I am getting crazy amounts of lag where i get on and can't do anything, then get kicked right away. This also comes up when I try to log in:
    server problems.jpg
  15. nevermind, it seems to have fixed itself.
  16. There's HUGH lag, never seen so much. chests open bad. getting objects you dropped back in inventory is slow. The last week there's anyway a bit more lag. But right now and its morning so very quite there's hugh lag.

    Seems fine for now, offcorse my enderchest dont close anymore. But there's anyway more delay the last time regulair things like open a door is hugh delayed.

    Connection lost now, and logging in is difficult / impossible. Server dont respond anymore.
    I have the same problem now as the poster above me , red X on the EMC server. (its now just back after 2 minutes down pr something like that)
    Ark_Warrior1 likes this.
  17. yea i am getting that off and on.
  18. All servers are down :confused:
    EDIT: They're back up now, but there's still lag
    Ark_Warrior1 likes this.
  19. There seems to be an issue with all the servers. They're running slacky and sometimes impossible to connect to.
    I got onto SMP1 after restarting my game 4 times.
    Ark_Warrior1 likes this.
  20. There's more lag the last 2-3 hours. and already got 2 time-outs to. and thats a long time ago this happend.
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