[Selling] Stuff from SteamingFire

Discussion in 'Selling' started by SteamingFire, Feb 9, 2022.

  1. [CLOSED]

    I will recycle this thread for all of my selling needs. All items are discounted. All items are unused unless otherwise specified. Contact me, reply to this thread, or visit my 1st res if you want to buy anything (first come, first served). Include your preferred method of delivery for forum sales. For orders totaling less than 1k or which cannot be put into shulker boxes, you must cover the mail fee if you want them to be mailed.

    All items can be /tpreview'd and bought directly from smp9 18176 (my 1st res).
    I am selling the following items:

    Nothing at the moment

    Thank you!
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  2. ill take the 2014 candle, the 2013 laborbench, and the cupids bow :D
  3. I'll buy:
    2 Cooked Turkeys: 10r each
    1 xXvexenXx's Head: 1k
    1 Shulker Head: 10r
    1 Netherhound Head: 50r
    1 Marlix Head: 50r
    1 Sorgina Head: 100r
    1 Silverfish Head: 100r
    1 Vindicator Head: 1k
    1 Killer Rabbit Head: 1k
  4. I’ll take:

    —zombie viruses--189r
    —lucky head and boatbird head--150r
    —used peppermint--5k
    —2021 cake--2k
    —valentine puppy and Cupid pig--50k
    —zahnenn trident--40k

    Will pay tomorrow and can put in access chest after, thanks

    Edit: Paid 104k
  5. These have been mentally reserved for you guys. Please also include preferred method of delivery (I just updated the OP to cover that).
  6. I'd be interested in the ICC items, and evergreen sapling
  7. I'll take the:
    1 Prometha's Head: 10r
    1 Luna5NL's Head: 10r
    1 GreenWolfGaming1's Head: 10r
    2 KAROLkarol12's Head (different skins): 10r each
    1 Karyuubi's Head: 10r
    1 The_Pebble's Head (The_Boulder's alt): 50r
    1 BoatBird's Head (Luckygreenbird's alt): 50r
    1 Luckygreenbird's Head: 100r
    1 xXvexenXx's Head: 1k

    and Pm sent about the voters gear
  8. I'll take:
    1 Guardian Head: 10r
    1 Momentus Head: 50r

    and also my voter items back please

    DM me in game to arrange pickup/prices.
    Merek_Shadower and KatydidBuild like this.
  9. You sold me your voters gear directly a while ago. Is there a reason that you want them back now, or will you only be reselling them? If it's the latter, someone else is already interested in buying them.

    Everyone else: once i'm out of bed and in emc, i shall go through the list xD
  10. Your total is 80k. How would you like them delivered? Edit: payment confirmed, items delivered
    Your total is 3,330r. How would you like them delivered?
    Payment confirmed. You overpaid by 1,661r; would you like the excess refunded? Access chest set up at 18176. Edit: items delivered
    Your total is 30k. How would you like them delivered?
    I miscounted; there's actually 4 KAROLkarol12's Heads, all different skins. Would you like them all?
    The following items have already been bought: 1 BoatBird's Head, 1 Luckygreenbird's Head, 1 xXvexenXx's Head. I am also talking to PlasmaBanana about his Voters Gear. The rest of the Voters Gear is being discussed in our PMs.
    Your total for the available items, including the two extra karol heads, is 130r. How would you like them delivered? Edit: payment confirmed, items delivered
    Your total is 60r. Please see the previous message about your voter items. You are not currently online; how would you like the items delivered?
  11. Paid and collected
  12. Could I have the aikar, krysyy, and chicken heads? The 10th bday/2021 ones
  13. I'll take them in a mailed shulker if that's alright. I'll pay when I'm next on
  14. Zomberina said:
    Your total is 30k. How would you like them delivered?

    I'll pay for mailing fees in addition to price :)
  15. Your total is 700k. How would you like them delivered?
    Items will be sent after confirming payment. Your total is 3,330r.
    Payment confirmed, items sent. 100r extra has been refunded.
    Payment confirmed, items sent. 90r extra has been refunded. To confirm, you do not want your voters items back? Edit: Returning PlasmaBanana's voters items. They are no longer for sale.
  16. Mail is good. Give me a bit tho.
  17. Items will be sent after confirmation of payment.
  18. Some voters gear has been returned to the list.

    Edit: Some staff heads have also been returned to the list.
  19. Voters gear now have prices. Prices have been further discounted. Ice cream is now free.
  20. Reminder that your items are awaiting payment. Your total is 3,330r. Edit: payment confirmed, will mail items later today. Edit 2: Items mailed.