Road To Top 5 []

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Oct 4, 2013.

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  1. Is that the sound of Dragon Tombs I hear, :cool:
    wisepsn and DemonThunder345 like this.
  2. It better be.
  3. Everyone easy vote! It is epic :D
  4. Silly, Dragon Tombs don't make sounds... Or do they?
    cddm95ace and wisepsn like this.
  5. Rawr
    wisepsn likes this.
  6. It was the silence that gave it away :D that and a little hint from Aikar's comment
  7. well i've added my vote, now we just need some more people to vote so we get to the top 5!
  8. We need more voters. :p
  9. If everyone on EMC was active and voted,we could stay on first place for ages.But since most of the 70000 members don't vote,it's not like that.
  10. We have 70,000 total members, not active members :p
  11. If EMC had 70k active members their would be no need to vote :D once upon a time ever server was full, sadly many have stopped playing. Dragon Tombs will bring a lot of the old players back and new ones and that should be here soon. The staff are working their little fingers to the bone to get it all ready. :p
    607, wisepsn and Damiensmom11 like this.
  12. I said if they WERE all active.
    AlexChance likes this.
  13. We don't have the players that will do this.

    I say add more then just rupees a day and in game /vote

    (/vote (username)
  14. We're growing a lot faster with the effort already put in...a noticeable difference. We don't have a window at this time on when this HAS to be completed for the could take a bit...but when it does it'll be worth it. The donated prizes is already huge and there may be more added on the journey.

    We have plans to add things to voting...but it'd be more along the lines of special items. Rupees are already abundant and simple to get, so they don't excite people as much anymore.

    Also there is an easy way to vote via the wiki. We can't do the in game suggestion as each site has their own protection and codes that must be entered that we can't override in-game.
  15. Already on SMP1 I've noticed at least 3-5 new players in the tutorial in peak hours. It can definitely be done for a lot of the sites :D
    Silken_thread likes this.
  16. Actually on smp1 I've found 4 players in off-peak hours coming out of the tutorial
    Silken_thread and AlexChance like this.
  17. So easy to vote on here, come on ppl's don't forget to vote :p
  18. We are 13 now. :(
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