Reset Needed??

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Munchie86, Jul 9, 2012.


Should the empire wild's be reset again?

Poll closed Jul 16, 2012.
Yes 18 vote(s) 22.8%
No 54 vote(s) 68.4%
I really don't care 7 vote(s) 8.9%
  1. Wow. Nice job making me see like a complete monster. :/ I didnt say I would gladly do it. I am just saying that the wild members will have to suck it up, if 1.3 ends up adding any new blocks minus emeralds.
  2. Now looking at the villages and crap, i thought they added new blocks. My bad.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  3. Its ok, the only new block is emerald ore. That spawns naturally.
  4. Its ok, this is why we are here. To inform, and convert when we can:p
  5. I am not converted. Well, I am for now. But for 1.4, that could be a different matter. :p
  6. I'm not converted in the least. However I'm not expecting a reset considering recent events.
  7. What events are you talking about?
  8. Just things that point to the idea that we are moving towards being more of a wild community type than a town community type.
  9. Oh ok! I think we should encourage more wild building. And we should be a little bit in favor of the wild people, since they play the game more like it was meant to be played. I love town and my res, but the towns people have pretty much everything they want/need. I personally think more attention should go to the wild communities! /End unorganized rant
  10. There are a lot of servers out there that are "wild" servers. You could easily play one of them. EMC was founded and became hugely popular because of its unique town/wild format that let you play in the safety of town and explore and gather in the wild. As the description posted before states. This is what brought EMC to where it is now. This unique and well balanced combination. Changing that, as you suggest, and we are no different than so many other servers - that you could easily go play on if that is how you wish to play the game.
    slozon likes this.
  11. That is worded as such because constructions in the wild are not protected by the Residence plugin.. There are griefers in Empire, There have even been griefers in Utopia.. Anything built in the wild is subject to any form of whimsical destruction if found and griefed.. However, people choose to live in the wild because that is an aspect of Vanilla Minecraft.. You go into single player on a fresh client (no mods installed), you don't have the benefits of residences with flags that can be set and teleportation and shops and stuff.. <,<
  12. I don't play on this server to play in the wild. I play on this server because it was designed for people to build in town. I'm sorry to say If you don't like how the server is run... Leave. Don't try to change it for those of us that like it as is.
  13. Where did i say anything about changing town? Where did i say i didnt like how the server was run? I like town too. But town is fantastic right now! I dont want to change town. Its just that town has always been the main focus, and i thing some attention should go to the wild. Like a community built, but protected, railway almost out to the black area. That way we could let people see new chunks in 1.3. Also, im sorry you read my post completely wrong...
  14. Town IS the main focus because that it the whole selling point of this server. Town is the reason most of us joined this server. If you want to play in the wild find a server that supports that.

    On this server it has ALWAYS been known if you build in the wild you risk loosing it AT ANY TIME.
  15. /short rant begin
    Some people have different thoughts about what this server is about. Please accept it.

    A wild reset is getting tossed around in my head. I want it because of a fresh world. I dont want it because think about all the wild communities. Its taken them FOREVER to build their community up.
    I have to go, so this post will be edited later for more detail /short rant end for now
  16. Thinking of Empire as strictly an economy server, devalues every other thing about this server that makes it unique.. Several of the plugins used by this server were written by the staff to suit the needs of Empire.. Not just randomly gotten off the Bukkit forums. If you think that only the number of rupees in your pocket is important, I'm guessing that you have not made any friends here, just "business associates"? Do you even know what Vanilla means in the term of Minecraft? Sure, a wild reset would benefit the people who only think about money, and I also know that the staff is somewhat divided over the reset issue because this server isn't run on the planet of Ferenginar, so the Rules of Acquisition don't apply here. Minecraft was created to serve as a freedom of expression. I am not advocating any change whatsoever, however, do you not see that the town is very the opposite of Vanilla when it comes to Minecraft? Do you have a Town when you play single player? I'm not talking NPC villages, a town which is a separate map from the other 3.
  17. You get that no one here has said anything about rupees or economy?

    Living in town does not equal only playing the economy.

    This server was founded as a server where you build in the town and you explore and gather in the wild. You can build in the wild but they have said all along - you have no protections there. You guys get so angry about resets happening - but they need to happen for the people in town. Who are the target audience of this server.

    Any shift in the current town/wild balance that is EMCs core and what makes it unique from any other server is going to make EMC like any other server out there. So, no, I do not believe the wild should be protected. It kind of irks me that none of the "wild" folk want to take responsibility for their actions. You are told the wild is not meant to be your home - you build there anyhow. You just need to learn to roll with the punches.

    Anyhoo - this is not an argument. This is a rant. I don't believe anything we say will impact our new direction. Congrats wild people. Well, until all the new "direction" leaves you without an EMC to play on. :)
    slozon likes this.
  18. Oh yeah admin just sit there doing nothing, you make me laugh but not in a good way, they work their buts off for us in the background. A lot of work goes into a reset and a lot of ppl don't want a reset because the live in the wild.
  19. If the hole's are such a problem cover over them with dirt, its free at most res's
    oidgod likes this.