[Price Inquiry] Sand And Gravel

Discussion in 'Price Inquiries' started by BluMacow101, Nov 11, 2017.

  1. BUY:

    64 Sand
    128 Sand
    64 Gravel
    128 Gravel


    64 Sand
    128 Sand
    64 Gravel
    128 Gravel
  2. I see a mistake but I'll let you figure it out.

    Hint: No money will be made
  3. How? It's a bulk shop
  4. LOL!! I read that as the price and not the quantity of blocks... Sell 64 sand/gravel for 128 and buy for 120. Sell 128 sand/gravel for 258 and by for 240.
  5. Ok, anyone else wanna suggest prices?
  6. 128 isn't bulk. Half a D.C. Is bulk.

    Also prices vairy on all smps check yours and see. Or price competivitly for all smps
  7. ok, so maybe what
  8. So maybe go check out a few malls and shops and see what they sell for and either match it or lower yours.
  9. Ok thanks
  10. What should bulk quantities be?
  11. Bulk shops on every day items like sand are normally in several stacks or an SC ?
  12. I think it's less important for a bulk buy:sell shop to use large transaction quantities (by the SC or whatever) and more important that they maintain at least 6-10 DCs for stock of an item (a general characteristic of a bulk shop), as long as the min buy:sell quantity is a stack. I don't think anyone cares that they have to click a button 27 times to get that SC as long as you always have it in stock.

    Also, it's great to have the lowest prices around, but every now and then a player will join and try and get rich quick through arbitrage. If you sell lower then some low stock bulk shop is buying, you'll indirectly turn into that shops supplier, and you'll be losing potential profit.

    Finally, if you do go with a bulk shop, use preview signs or enable togglepreview. Suppliers need to see what you need so they can go get the appropriate items to sell.