[OPEN] DC of Bonemeal (Very Useful!)

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Torch_Placer, Feb 18, 2017.

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  1. So... need to grow your plants quicker, or dye something white?
    Or perhaps you need bone blocks for that amazing build you're planning! Or maybe you just can't afford or find any quartz, and you need a similar block for building? Or maybe you just can't be bothered to kill a ton of skeletons for your stock? Well, this DC of bonemeal will be more than enough to satisfy your bonemeal needs. Every single piece of bonemeal in this DC was made from bones scavenged from a lot of skeleton killing, and can be used for many other things not mentioned, like stained glass and clay, and banners. So grab yourself some bonemeal, you won't regret buying this underrated material.

    The important stuff!
    Item: DC of Bonemeal (Wow, never guessed that)
    Starting Bid: 500r
    Minimum Bid increment: 100r
    Auction end time: 00:00 GMT 25th February 2017 (No need to convert to your timezone, just remember around 25th February)
    Auction Pickup: /v Torch_Placer *

    Happy bidding!

    *Due to my res being under construction and not usually open to visitors, there will be a teleport button to the right of the entrance that you can use to be teleported directly to your winnings.
    Equinox_Boss and ShelLuser like this.
  2. 500r
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. Is that even legal. Around this date doesn't define an exact end time. Best if you'd have said 12:01 am EMC 25th of February, 2017.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  4. This auction is invalid and has been closed due to ending time of auction which is not clear. Please resubmit with a real auction ending time. Thanks! :)
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