Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2015 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2015.

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  1. ew, Binky (as seen above!) made me do this >.<
    I always put my hand next to my mouth in practically every picture I I look like trash, so I filtered it (obviously).

    Attached Files:

  2. xD Thanks!
  3. I suppose 84 days is long enough to be here so that I may take off my tin foil hat long enough to post a picture of me.

    Edit: Before the vets jump on my battle rattle for not having any mag pouches: 240B's don't require mag pouches :p
  4. I feel as if this picture is relevant to today's conversation on 6 :p
  5. Seems legit.
  6. *intrigued*

    Note: I no longer serve in the army for "hippie" reasons... which is kind of ironic considering how this picture is edited XD

    Edit: if anyone can tell me what kind of jet is in the background... that would be MUCH appreciated lol. I know the downed helicopter is a blackhawk, spent 4.5 years keeping them from falling out of the sky. This one slipped through my grasp heh
  7. The whole camping/CoD/Battlefield convo!
    (Toasterphone, toasterphone, does whatever a toasterphone does. Can it potato a picture? Yes it can because it's a toaster. TOASTERPHOOOONE!)
  9. Wait, so you're not a jar of mayonnaise? I've had it wrong this whole time...
    BlackKnight1021 likes this.
  10. Shhh... I'm a jar of mayonnaise inside a Person Suit. I can't just walk into Burger King for some fries if I'm just a jar of mayo. First off, I wouldn't have a shirt or shoes so I'd get no service. Second, I'm a jar of mayo. How do I walk?
  11. Why you think you look like a loaf of bread?
  12. Haha, sometimes I wake up looking flawless, and other times I wake up, look in the mirror and say to myself "Why do I not look like Beyoncé? I Look like a loaf of bread!" Just an expression I frequently use. =P
    607 and MrSocks75 like this.
  13. The jet in the background is an F-35 :p
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  14. Yup, just a weird kinda angle and paint job. makes it look almost cartoon-ish. Thanks mba2012
  15. BLINKY! Love teh name! Hai!
  16. I would appreciate it if you avoided walking into me.
    Ultimamaxx likes this.
  17. Thanks and hello!
    melk73 likes this.
  18. That picture looks highly photoshopped :p
    607 and FDNY21 like this.
  19. Not at all ;)
    Gawadrolt and SEPTHEKID like this.
  20. Burlington outside Toronto?
    harsh900 likes this.
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