Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2013 Edition)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Apr 28, 2013.

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  1. photo-2.JPG chopped off my hair :D
    kuraudochuu, Jcplugs and Palmsugar like this.
  2. Omg ;-;
    It sad because like. i don't know what you mean xD
    mba2012 and Jcplugs like this.
  3. You used to look so little and stuff but noww you look all growned up
    Jake_bagby, mba2012, Olaf_C and 2 others like this.
  4. It doesn't want to work..

    Jake_bagby and Olaf_C like this.
  5. Jcplugs likes this.
  6. I think its the hair and shirt.
    Jake_bagby and mba2012 like this.
  7. When I have shorter hair, I look like a baby :p

    When I have longer hair... Yeah. I don't :p
    mba2012 and Jcplugs like this.
  8. The shirt is school uniform. The first one is just my normal clothes :p

    I'll look plenty different when my 'beard' goes black. I have one but it's all blonde hairs :c
    RainbowChin and Jcplugs like this.
  9. I'm a fan of the change \o3o/ I hope that whole thing didnt sound bad. xD

    Edit: Also a fan of the school clothes. I dont have a school uniform.. So fancy shirts for me.. Although I do wear a cat bowtie to school sometimes
    Jake_bagby and mba2012 like this.
  10. Say that when my mum eventually forces me to get what's known as a skinhead.

    I hate them.

    She loves them and hates my long hair.

    It's only a matter of time *dundundun* :p
    mba2012 and Jcplugs like this.
  11. heh, I probably look younger in a shirt myself.
    As a 18 year old who wears a shirt to work being asked:
    -"So, what do you do in school?"
    My general reply: -_-
    Palmsugar, jkjkjk182 and mba2012 like this.
  12. Then:

    Now: (yeah I'm shirtless so I edited my nips just for you guys)
  13. That totally doesn't make that picture way creepier at all.
  14. How about this?
  15. You look like the borat and one of those guys who did a voice for GTA5. All around awesome.
  16. haha, thanks
  17. Much, thanks.
    I'll sleep just fine tonight...
  18. That was a compliment btw.
  19. My costume being a tad difficult to put back on (laziness), I've decided simply to wear my hat for this photo, and stuff my shoulders with various plushes.
  20. 575744_1409619552604227_902188312_n.jpg

    as always, I looked quite pleased
    penfoldex, mba2012, Palmsugar and 6 others like this.
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