North Korea has "entered" war with South Korea

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. How many times do I have to say it... :p
    jkjkjk182, L0tad and Twitch1 like this.
  2. True...very true.

    I just do not think this event alone will start ww3, but a series of them. it is coming, but this is not the place to talk about it, perhaps we should make our own tread under some stupid name, so we can talk in peace.

  3. What if....they launch and it explodes on them killing half their army and Kimmy. Karma right there...
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  4. I blame Gangnam Style.
  5. Awesome, then I'll know how to order my food in their language. /badjoke

    Atleast you learned Spanish from an actual spanish speaker. I learned from a high school teacher who's native tongue is Missourian.
  6. ALL SHE KNEW WAS HOW TO BAKE SOME CAKES! I gained 5lbs from taking a darn spanish class that i still cant figure out what half the ppl speak because she was such a bad teacher. Should of took french
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  7. If North Korea attempts to launch a missile against the U.S., Japan would probably shoot it down first, but if that doesn't happen it would probably not have the range to hit the continental U.S. It would most likely try to hit Hawaii, but would probably miss because you need Legolas accuracy to hit any major city on like 5 tiny islands.
  8. okay so i just saw the news this morning korea wants every tourist or non korean born personel to leave so they wont become victims of the "nuclear war"
  9. Already said.
  10. It also only takes 3 EMP's to take the world's power out which is scary D:
  11. Idk why I replied to your comment tho :3
  12. Lets hope their not elves in disguise, or have a high powered machine to calculate the angle and velocity for them xD

  13. Darn, i was going to mention emp's...that is probably the 2nd worst attack on the world, after a nuke to a major city. We would go back to the stone age overnight.
  14. I think it's safe to agree that any war using advanced weaponry like Nukes or EMP's would probably end in us being reverted to the stone age.
    Adderwolf71 likes this.