[My Final Giveaway]+[Res Griefing]

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by journeynaut, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. maybe see you around in the future hylian?

    terr, you win this round.
  2. Taken.
    I will give you a number anyway.
    It is Madder Red, a character from the comic book Bedlam. The trade collecting the first six issues comes out tomorrow and the seventh issue comes out in a couple of weeks.
    I do not know the exact time yet. I will contact the winner and give them plenty of time to prepare. So no I will not do a timer.

    To those who ask why I am leaving, the short answer is: I don't exactly know. Correction, I know why I am leaving the servers. I simply don't play MC anymore. I only occasionally connected to the server. As to why I am leaving the forums, I really am not sure. It just seems right to do so. Checking the forums is just stagnant and habitual now, and I feel like I am only doing it because I have done it for a long period of time previously. Sometimes one just has to do things, and leaving the forums just feels like the right thing to do.
    Jimbonothing64 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  3. 27, Don't be like the others and leave D:
  4. Taken.
  5. Uhh! 6!
  6. 22 please
    maybe... you should not leave this great empire
  7. 11 or 20... So sad :c
  8. 16, if not assign a random number. bye :(
  9. Well...it's sad that you are leaving...I hope that your life after MC is enjoyable.
    45 would work.
  10. Then I'll just take any number
  11. I understand how it can sometimes get boring. I too had a break. But then I found some fun.
    Sad to see you go.
    47 please
  12. Ill take 30.
    Bye Ninja. I don't see you much, but I hate when members leave the server. :(
  13. 5 plz, sorry to see you go :(
  14. Any left over numbers please
  15. Can I have number 4?
  16. Taken.
  17. Will miss you even though I never meet you. :(
  18. Can you please hook m up with whatever number not taken if you can thanks :)
  19. 29, Even though i didn't know you so much. EMC won't be the same.
  20. I can haz 35? Sorry to see you go :(