Just For Fun ... Chain Story Extravaganza!!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by xxiModifyxx, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. Piggeh factory that gives piggehs love and kisses.
  2. jungle with a creeper in his face! The creeper hugged him and wanted to be best friends, but then an occelot went up to the Steve-hugging creeper and....
  3. He slaughtered the pigs and ate them for food.
    matthew12hydro likes this.
  4. but then he got fat. so he tried to work out, but he tripped and fell into a...
  5. Room of tnt
  6. and he was all like "whoa, why is there a....
  7. a Honeydew in his face
  8. Monkey smoking in here...
  9. honeydew said "who the heck are you?" the boy replied "I'm a...
  10. Trollarch staff member
  11. A good one at that too
  12. So switching to defense mode he...
  13. Slapped everybody with piggehs that were invinsible to the slaughter's!
  14. With somebody ruining the story he ignored that person.
  15. And the crowd asked...
  16. How did we get into the single player world?
  17. because the piggehs hacked minecraft!
    dylan_frenette likes this.
  18. Piggehs much?
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  19. Chuck norris came and kicked all the pigs into submission, thusly creating a(n)..