[Guild] Fairy Tail

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by FairyTailGuild, Apr 27, 2017.

  1. so i may have just started watching the anime and thought... you might want to make s class quests harder, any old noob wil some good gear could take down a boss. (wel maybw not but you get what im saying) i think s class should be things like finding end cities or fighting bosses/minibpsses in high difficulties for their loot.

    Just an idea!
  2. That's why there are multiple trials though ^-^ and it's not all about who can defeat mobs some are puzzle like trails ;)
  3. Also,
    The newest addition to our guild, he is a member of the Thunder Legion ! Bixlow_! Give him some warm welcomes
    _Rem__ likes this.
  4. Lady_Eliza is now this name which is kinda obvious with my name now xD
    FairyTailGuild and jossytheninja like this.
  5. Hehe I had another name change but this time to my actual character~!
    This is my last name change on this account :p
  6. Another bump! A welcome to our new member TheOinkingSheep as Freed Justine !
    jossytheninja and LordessLevy like this.
  7. Yay I wanted us to have a Freed!!!
  8. Hello! Seems I need to get in the habit of bumping this more often eh? Only the first bump of this year ! :eek:
    Eviltoade and LordessLevy like this.