Give us YOUR input on the pending land claiming process!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Mar 23, 2015.

  1. Like! :)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  2. Thanks for this clarification! NS has been registered for a while now. (Shortly after the subforum was made)
  3. Yes. Great work man. I like your vision. It appears a lot of what I suggested in another thread, and in the google form has already been considered to a great level of detail. nonsequitur: I had insomnia last night (i.e. didn't sleep.) It's finally catching up to me and my brain cells are misfiring. So I will go sleep now.
  4. The results will be interesting and no doubt a lot of consideration will go into it.

    My main hope is that claiming land will be very costly up front.
  5. This is the main thing that ties to DT. Mainly we needed to see what the community would do with tokens to figure out the best scale for DT token reward.

    Then Empire claiming is meant to be based around the reward scale of DT. So you can ultimately still get to Empire claiming without even doing DT, but DT would be the first major initiative to earn a large sum of tokens at once.

    It needs to be costly but reachable by any group that puts in a coordinated effort together.
  6. It is a good idea to provide a separate, structured input channel. I guess there are people who would rather submit their ideas without discussing them with the community.

    But I expect that most of the interested members do want to discuss their ideas with the community, do want to share, pick up other ideas, combine, refine and work together.

    I suggest that members should neither be forced to nor barred from discussing their thoughts and ideas about land claiming with the community.

    I'd like to invite everyone to share their ideas and work together to evaluate, refine, combine and improve them.
  7. mmm after reading most of the posts on this thread, all i can conclude is all this DT and land claiming will come out before we can hope to finally be on 1.8
  8. What about nether rails?
    This will render nether transportation completely useless by having teleporting.
  9. Dear Aikar,

    because we haven't been ranting about the griefes doesn't mean that they don't occur. We have the biggest and most active wild community on EMC and are under the constant threat of griefing and thievery. I wouldn't say they are out of control, but if we had a grief like the one in February every few month, we can shut down the city. That last big grief, besides all the smaller thievery and destructions that happen on a daily basis, this was much worse than "some blocks may be broken or items missing". It created some irreperable damage because spawner were destroyed and economic damage because a lot of valuable materials were removed from our builds.
    So, I would like to ask you not to marginalize these problems, because for us they exist and are far from being minor.


    Edit: The other thread, where this one is coming from, and a few others explicitly ask for land protection. This thread was created to take out the pressure from the previous thread; that one was about: 'When do we get land protection?'
  10. I just want to mention my thoughts about chat channels.

    At the moment, I use group chat quite a lot when I'm in the wild because it's really convenient. I don't think we really need empire chat, however I think it would be good to have a short cut command (such as /invite +empire) or something like that, which would then start a group chat with all the online members of your empire. That way, when you're out in the wild you can chat with people in the empire, but then in town you could just use town chat.
  11. Here here, the community I partake in gets griefed constantly and we take the losses because we are used to it, not because it is no big deal but we have come to expect it. Compared to other outposts there is very little activity but one person with five minutes and lay of the land in our outpost could make no one that belongs there ever want to go back. That level has not happened but the simple fact that it can means that the longer time goes on the more likely it is. If there is two things that are wanted more than anything in "empire" I would have to guess its the teleport and the land protection afforded with the claims. Both seem to extremely easy to implement since they already exist elsewhere on emc. Sorting out land claim problems, I understand, is the point of the thread. The whole reason anyone is claiming land will be one of two reasons: land rights(land/grief protection) and ease of access(teleports) from what we can see is supposed to happen. The reasons for these things are self evident and intimately tied to the whole concept of "empires" or so I would assume.
  12. Really you could get rid of economy chat and maybe five people would notice.... seriously.
  13. I think if we have to wait for DT to get land protection then I feel this is a lost cause. DT is linked to tokens which is linked to land claiming. While I know many players would like to fight the dragon, not everyone does and that's fine but it should not be connected to land claiming as it limits the number of players who can claim land in the wild.

    I know EMC is different to other servers and that everything is coded specifically for EMC which is also another reason why I feel that DT should not be connected to land claiming because to honest AIkar for all your hard work and the many many hours of coding you do for EMC, you just don't seem to have the time, its taken 2 years to get to this stage and we are no nearer to seeing it happen anytime soon.

    -------Please also note-------
    Many players have been loyal to EMC for sever years, the do not want to leave they like it here and I have no doubt will stay regardless of the decisions that are made now and in the future, but their loyalty should be considered, even if the points they make come across a little unorthodox/strong/ and not be slammed down, try see the point that is being made and not how its being made. I have notice this from both players and staff that they can come across in that way. We all get a little passionate over things at times, lets just keep our heads pls, once something is said it cannot easily be taken back.

    Silk now wounder off back in the distance to consider what really is the point..... The End
  14. For what it is worth this is my opinion. Frontier land claiming should not be held up for Dragon tombs. Many, Many players who would like to build in the frontier are not interested in fighting a dragon. I personally would not have a bucket of water's chance in the nether of lasting 10 seconds fighting a dragon. I would be no help to any group fighting one.

    I am very interested in building in the Frontier. I have tried building in the frontier many times and even when I hide my creations, they get destroyed. I no longer build in the frontier because I have been waiting for the land claiming. Please make land claiming available and make it possible for people who are not good at fighting to earn the right to claim land.

    EMC is supposed to be about "play your way". I feel that the dream of Dragon Tombs has kept people from being able to do this. When Dragon Tombs comes out, the people who are good at fighting will line up to fight it whatever the prize is. So there is no need to hold back on land claiming to make it a special Dragon Tomb prize.
  15. Everyone seems to have skipped over what Aikar said, so I'll say it again:
    crystaldragon13 and Kalia1784 like this.
  16. Emotionally charged reply. Post removed.
    Standsinlava likes this.
  17. Before you jump the gun, re-read his post. If you want a protected plot of land without giving any effort, then you should build in town because that's what it's there for. We are expanding the residence system to protect plots of land in the wild, given that certain conditions are met. We're not saying that it will be ridiculous or impossible, but we won't be giving it away for free or it might as well just be another town world, which is not the ideal or Aikar's vision. Everyone is granted free grief protection in town. To extend that protection to the wild, it WILL cost something.

    With regards to griefing:
    Griefing is NOT as big a deal as it once was. Almost every griefer (not in town) is caught. If you have a grief to report, please message me or another staff member. At the moment the process is reactive, but the Empires system is the proactive response we are aiming for the future.

    Regarding everyone's complaints about time scale:
    These ideas were brought forth to the community for the sake of transparency of what Aikar's vision of the future of Empire Minecraft is to become when the grand scheme of things was thought up. Hindsight shows that in this case, it was better to not let the cat out of the bag so early, but we wanted to share the creative process as so many players have lobbied for recently. We never said anything would be instantaneous, in fact I'm pretty sure we said it was a good ways off when we posted them. Things happen that we can't control and delays occur, but it will be finished and it will be awesome.
  18. I had looked at a few submissions last night (SrStaff+); and there had been quite a wide variety of responses.
    It will be interesting to see what trends come out of these responses, and I could probably, almost guarantee this is not the last chance for input on the matter.
    Krysyy and the rest of the team have quite the job ahead of them, with analyzing this feedback :)
  19. Adding to what chickeneer said, there have been 40+ responses so far. That's more than 40 different people with more than 40 individual ideas on how they would like to see things happen. So you can see why we wanted to use a form instead of a thread. In about 12 hours, we have seen tremendous amounts of creativity from players all across the Empire, some of whom only lurk the forums without ever posting. An in-game announcement will be made later this afternoon too so we'll likely get more =)
  20. I'm going to have to redo my form if what Aikar wants is DT-based empire-claiming abilities.
    Like, new idea for rupee claim amount: 100 million