(Game) the up-DATE game is Back!!

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by KatydidBuild, Jun 9, 2023.

  1. Progryck previously held the up-DATE game for earlier Minecraft updates:

    I am happy to host it this time for the 1.20 update on EMC. Mojang released the Trails and Tales update on June 6, 2023. EMC is planning to update to 1.20 soon, but we don't start this game until Chickeneer/Staff have announced the window for the update to occur. Right now, we have an estimate of sometime after June 22, but this is not firm as there are steps before EMC gets close to releasing the update.

    A reminder of the Rules:


    How do you play:

    Each player posts in this thread the EXACT date and time (EMC timezone) of when they think the update will hit EMC.

    The player that got the closest time (without going over by more than 1 hour, to account for the minutes around the hour) wins a prize. Current prize is pending, but I believe that I have a limited edition head that might work, or it's just bragging rights.

    The rules:

    -1 current guess per player. Only once your current guessed time has already passed can you make a new guess.
    -Guesses must be in month day, hours am/pm, but not minutes. (example: Jan 22, 3pm - and not Jan 22, 3:14pm)
    -Your guess must be unique and at least 1 hour different from any other current guess. (check the list below)
    -Winner will be the player that has a current guess that is closest to the moment the server goes offline to update. (not the moment it comes back online, nor the moment waste is reset, or anything like that. If there is doubt on the exact moment I'll probably ask staff for confirmation)
    -No complaining about the wait times in this thread, we are here to be optimistic.
    -A list of all guesses so far can be found .
    -Once the update hits this thread will be on hold until the next update is announced.

    Good luck and have fun.
  2. [reserved for list of times voted for]

    Jun 26th 1 am -- Sefl

    Jun 29 11PM -- Tuqueque

    June 30th, 12am -- Storm_ily

    July 1st, 2PM EST -- StgbtL

    July 2nd 3pm -- FadedMartian
    July 2nd 7pm -- The_BaconPotato

    July 3rd, 11 pm -- Raaynn

    July 7th 11pm -- LindenNZ

    July 8th at 5pm -- LunarEndergirl

    July 10th at 11p.m. -- SkeleTin007
  3. I know for fact that it will happen on:

    Jun 29 11PM
    -source: trust me bro
    (Preemptive "bet" will update my guess once event opens)

    Cool game, have never player it! Looking forward to whoever guesses it right.
    FadedMartian and DrasLeona247 like this.
  4. Jun 26th 1 am

    "totally" the right answer lol
    Sharpie42 likes this.
  5. Jun 23 9pm emc time.
    KatydidBuild likes this.
  6. Nice idea. Let's say..

    July 3rd, 11 pm...
  7. June 22nd 11 pm
    KatydidBuild likes this.
  8. - - - - - - - - Let the Votes Fly - - - - - - - - -

    The Countdown Clock is On the Home Screen.
    Guess that means its time !!!
  9. Sticking with
    Jun 29 11PM gl everybody
  10. Staying with Jun 23 9pm emc time.
  11. June 23rd is nearly passed.
    Chicken's last post in the Waste Reset thread indicated that some issues have come up with getting Emc up to 1.20.1 Sounds fair, Mojang missed a few things just out of the gate and had to issue 1.20.1 real quick after the 1.20.0 release.
    Best comment at this time, was that it would take just a bit longer.

    Enter New Votes (if you like) for those that had guessed June 23rd or earlier!!
  12. I predict July 2nd 3pm
  13. the 25ft nigtly reset
  14. I say July 10th at 11p.m.
  15. i hope not xd
  16. June 30th, 12am
  17. July 1st, 2PM EST
  18. Please rephrase your answer in the form of a date and time hour
  19. From the Waste reset thread, comment on Wednesday (for someone who asked)
    In an answer to the question: Can you restart the Waste Reset countdown clock?

  20. July 7th 11pm