[Forum Game] You're banned for...

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by mayorprofessor, Jul 28, 2017.

  1. You're banned for not getting it yourself.
  2. You're banned for whatever reason. I can't think of anything right now...
  3. you're banned for not being quick witted and being boring
  4. Well then! You're banned for Elfing around everywhere
  5. your banned for being a king :p
  6. Your are banned because you are a too crazy gamer and are causing chaos in your town.
  7. You are banned for not being a crazy enough player
  8. Your banned for being a too Kute Kiraboo
  9. You're banned for banning other players. :eek:
  10. You're banned for banning for banning.
  11. You're banned for banning someone for banning me because I banned someone.:p
    FoxyFox2314 likes this.
  12. You're banned for correcting my grammar
  13. You're banned for being a scrub.
  14. You're banned for calling other people names
  15. You're banned for objecting to banter.
  16. You're banned for objecting to banter.
  17. You're banned for repeating the same message as the previous player -- aka s p a m
    DufGoesBnoof and PhoenixAffinity like this.
  18. You're banned cause I really wanna ban you, no hard feelings.
  19. You're banned for banning players without a valid reason.
  20. You're banned because I can never tell which is Dufne and which is Rhy