[EVENT] Tree Choppers

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by IceQueenDawn, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. Woooo :D
  2. YAaay! Imma come ::DD
  3. Where is the super secret tree chopper ?
  4. /v seffychan 5 on /utopia
  5. Can free members still make it? Even though it's in utopia?
  6. Yes.

    You can go to utopia and even fly there, but you can't claim a residence or go to the frontier or wastelands.
    607 likes this.
  7. Yes. Its gonna be in town too. Don't worry, its fun and also you can fly and open up /vault for free!
  8. I think i can make it, unless my mind tells me to go make more noteblock songs XD other wise ill br there!
  9. I'ma slug my way there in about 10 hours!
    MeadMaker, nltimv and Roslyn like this.
  10. You cannot possibly expect us to wait! We want it when we want it, where we want it, how we want it! The TV told me I was entitled to such. If you don't comply, I might just be forced to pee on your trees.
  11. Well it starts when it starts... so...
  12. I'ma do my best to be there this time! Which is good because I'm hosting....
    SkeleTin007 and nltimv like this.
  13. As always the residence will be open for chopping until tomorrow. Happy Chopping everyone!
  14. Get Excited for Trees!
    Edit: I got everything Ready already so if I wake up in time We can start Early!
    Blondekid42 likes this.
  15. Yay! It's a shame that I'll be at work for another 6 hours, so I'll try and swing by tonight!
    Seffychan and StoneSky like this.
  16. Only thing that should be swinging is your axe!
    Seffychan and Blondekid42 like this.
  17. Funny enough, I have Gimli's Axe ready to go lol. Full tree chopping capabilities. ^_^ Aaand a few stacks of bones... And bonemeal.... Let's leave it at that I'm ready. XD
    Seffychan and StoneSky like this.
  18. Ur so funny!
    Blondekid42 likes this.
  19. Darn I can't make it.
  20. The residence is open for chopping all day :)
    Seffychan and Blondekid42 like this.