[EVENT] Suggest a name-Get a Diamond!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by CoryLovesYou, Aug 1, 2015.

  1. Eleanor.
    Kytula likes this.
  2. Logan-boy/ Savanna-girl
    Kytula likes this.
  3. Matthew-boy Angelo-boy and Luke-boy
  4. I love Micah, Evee or Evie, (short for Evelyn or something,) and Alex
  5. Kian, Harrison (or Harry) and Meah.
    Starzival likes this.
  6. 1, congratulations :D
    2, Jelle (you could expect that one...), Allice and Yelmer (I whould be named Yelmer if my dad would like it...(my mother did))
  7. Boy: Jacob, Darrell, James, John, Nathan, Alex, Danny, Kyle, David, Zach( k or c ), Adam, Matt(hew), Richard, Chris, Austin, Jason, Greg, Ben(jamin), Eric, Shaun, Bradley, or Leo.

    Girl: Kat, Cathrine, Cathy, Sarah, Morgon, Elizabeth, Eli, and Megan.
    L3A8 and MajorSkillGaming like this.
  8. Girls:
    Lizzy (Elizabeth)


    These are just the first name that came to mind :)
    L3A8 likes this.
  9. For a girl Athena(goddes of wisdom) ,
    calliope (Muse of poetry)
    Selene (goddes of moon)
    Thalia( muse of comedy)
    Freyja ( norse goddess of love and beauty )

    For a boy Morpheus ( god of sleep and dreams.. and you know.. MAtrix.. :p )
    Magni ( god of brute strenght)
    Thor ( norse Thunder -god protector of men and gods )

    Dont send me a diamond. just send me a pm, with the name you choose :p and perhaps a sonargram if thats not to much to ask :p

    i wish you all the best in life.
    and congrats on your sapling seed thats growing
    poofasaurus, autumnrain26 and Nccoryg like this.
  10. Haven't decided if I'll be sharing the ultrasound on EMC or not yet, but if I do you'll be the first :p
  11. Same :p

    I like my name a bit, Nathan, then John, and Dempsy.
  12. Why not the best name: Patric! ;)
  13. did you really get a jack biggin head XD
  14. also Jack is another boy name
    Jstclair41 likes this.
  15. About to start mailing out the diamonds.
  16. how about:
    or for a girl
  17. lol, I find it funny that a lot of people pronounce Freyja as Frey-Jah instead of the proper pronunciation of Frey-ah.. My sister's name is Freyja.. :p

    I also like names from mythology, but not European Mythos.. o3o >,<'

    So girls names would be cool as Nausicaä (Yes there are 2 dots over the second a at the end.. Good nickname for this would be Sicaä) or even Nüwa whom happens to be the creator of humans according to Chinese mythos. Hutash is the Chumash goddess of the Earth and protector of the Chumash tribe.

    Boys names could be Natosi whom is the Blackfoot Sun God or Takaroa whom is the Maori God of the Sea.. There are so many options that are available for names.. Unless, of course, you live in an area where baby names can be challenged by the state. When I named my daughter, it took me several months to think of a name, but about 4 months before she was born, my best friend was killed by a drunk driver and I chose to name my daughter after her.. :\
  18. That dipends on where in the wold you are. in iceland is frey-jah or its more like Frreyj-jahh. :D
    autumnrain26 likes this.
  19. Are half of these even names, haha