[event] search for 500k

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by OhMiku, Dec 9, 2021.

  1. (harder this time because lucky found my last one way too fast)

    smp9 waste
    find this location, search this location, win 500k


    good luck
    farmerguyson likes this.
  2. Lucky submitted screenshot 2 hours and 15 minutes after your post

    This is 1 hour and 35 minutes after event went live, but it took Ryko and I all of 7 minutes to find it. Easy

    Ryko369 likes this.
  3. clearly i need to make it even harder

    payment will be sent whenever i next log in
  4. It was a good spot though. Very nice looking little cave. (also had a little extra luck finding this, just happened to be the first area we checked and I saw an enchanted bow from a skelly inside as I was flying past)
    zafir247 likes this.
  5. i tried to pick up everything around the area, guess i missed something

    i retook the screenshot in the picture about 4 times because i thought it was too hard every time, clearly i need to stop doubting myself

    i also initially thought about moving it away from the jungle because there were only two? (that i could see) in the smp9 waste, but once again, thought it would be too hard

    ill probably do one more of these, hopefully i'll be able to make an actually hard one using the things i learned
  6. There are at least 3 jungles and one of them is absolutely massive. and the skelly was still alive inside, so you didn't miss anything on the ground. I wouldn't have known there was a cave there if it weren't for that skelly. It was a fun little challenge, we just got a little lucky.
    FadedMartian and Merek_Shadower like this.